

"He hasn't done anything,--it isn't for that. Master don't want to sell, and Missis she's always good. I heard her plead and beg for us; but he told her 't was no use; that he was in this man's debt, and that this man had got the power over him; and that if he didn't pay him off clear, it would end in his having to sell the place and all the people, and move off. Yes, I heard him say there was no choice between selling these two and selling all, the man was driving him so hard. Master said he was sorry; but oh, Missis--you ought to have heard her talk! If she an't a Christian and an angel, there never was one. I'm a wicked girl to leave her so; but, then, I can't help it. She said, herself, one soul was worth more than the world; and this boy has a soul, and if I let him be carried off, who knows what'll become of it? It must be right: but, if it an't right, the Lord forgive me, for I can't help doing it!"

"Well, old man!" said Aunt Chloe, "why don't you go, too?

Will you wait to be toted down river, where they kill niggers with hard work and starving? I'd a heap rather die than go there, any day! There's time for ye,--be off with Lizy,--you've got a pass to come and go any time. Come, bustle up, and I'll get your things together."

Tom slowly raised his head, and looked sorrowfully but quietly around, and said, "No, no--I an't going. Let Eliza go--it's her right! I wouldn't be the one to say no--'tan't in _natur_ for her to stay; but you heard what she said! If I must be sold, or all the people on the place, and everything go to rack, why, let me be sold.

I s'pose I can b'ar it as well as any on 'em," he added, while something like a sob and a sigh shook his broad, rough chest convulsively. "Mas'r always found me on the spot--he always will.

I never have broke trust, nor used my pass no ways contrary to my word, and I never will. It's better for me alone to go, than to break up the place and sell all. Mas'r an't to blame, Chloe, and he'll take care of you and the poor--"

Here he turned to the rough trundle bed full of little woolly heads, and broke fairly down. He leaned over the back of the chair, and covered his face with his large hands. Sobs, heavy, hoarse and loud, shook the chair, and great tears fell through his fingers on the floor; just such tears, sir, as you dropped into the coffin where lay your first-born son; such tears, woman, as you shed when you heard the cries of your dying babe. For, sir, he was a man,--and you are but another man. And, woman, though dressed in silk and jewels, you are but a woman, and, in life's great straits and mighty griefs, ye feel but one sorrow!

"And now," said Eliza, as she stood in the door, "I saw my husband only this afternoon, and I little knew then what was to come. They have pushed him to the very last standing place, and he told me, today, that he was going to run away. Do try, if you can, to get word to him. Tell him how I went, and why I went; and tell him I'm going to try and find Canada. You must give my love to him, and tell him, if I never see him again," she turned away, and stood with her back to them for a moment, and then added, in a husky voice, "tell him to be as good as he can, and try and meet me in the kingdom of heaven."

"Call Bruno in there," she added. "Shut the door on him, poor beast! He mustn't go with me!"

A few last words and tears, a few ****** adieus and blessings, and clasping her wondering and affrighted child in her arms, she glided noiselessly away.

  • 古道云传


  • 兽战龙野


  • 普通天才的修仙体验


  • 小心,太子


  • 你是我的光


  • 神尊被我拉下了神坛


    新书《夫人又在装白莲花》已开,欢迎移步。 那天遇见他,我的心里像是炸开了一方烟花,热烈又绚烂。我原以为我是相府嫡孙女,一国之后,兢兢业业,谨小慎微的在后宫中认认真真勾心斗角的宫斗着。结果一朝死去,我竟是九尾狐族狐君天赋不高又不受宠的幺女,最最让我不能接受的是做为一名九尾狐,我竟只有一条尾巴。当我做为一只狐狸漫山遍野的疯跑时,又有人跑来告诉我,我只是一块石头,受某人点化才修成人形,羽化成仙。受他三滴血,无论我是什么,都会受眼尾处的凤凰花指引遇见他,爱上他。 他高高在上,断情绝爱,又岂是我所能肖想的,仙神活太久大多无情,凡世众生虽苦却有血有肉。 当我被某人虐的体无完肤欲要逃跑时,被某人困住,某人咬牙切齿的说:“见色起意唐突了本尊,竟想跑。” 这是一块破石头的修仙史,有虐有甜。 愿你喜欢。
  • 南亚顽疾:克什米尔冲突之谜


  • 让梦想站立起来


  • 玄羲螣妩传


  • 南赋

