

Captain Blood laughed outright. He had suddenly read the Baron's mind. His airs and graces and haughtiness had so imposed upon Blood that it was only now that at last he saw through them, into the fellow's peddling spirit. Therefore he laughed; there was really nothing else to do. But his laughter was charged with more anger even than contempt. He had been deluding himself that he had done with piracy. The conviction that this French service was free of any taint of that was the only consideration that had induced him to accept it. Yet here was this haughty, supercilious gentleman, who dubbed himself General of the Armies of France, proposing a plundering, thieving raid which, when stripped of its mean, transparent mask of legitimate warfare, was revealed as piracy of the most flagrant.

M. de Rivarol, intrigued by his mirth, scowled upon him disapprovingly.

"Why do you laugh, monsieur?"

"Because I discover here an irony that is supremely droll. You, M.

le Baron, General of the King's Armies by Land and Sea in America, propose an enterprise of a purely buccaneering character; whilst I, the buccaneer, am urging one that is more concerned with upholding the honour of France. You perceive how droll it is."M. de Rivarol perceived nothing of the kind. M. de Rivarol in fact was extremely angry. He bounded to his feet, and every man in the room rose with him - save only M. de Cussy, who sat on with a grim smile on his lips. He, too, now read the Baron like an open book, and reading him despised him.

"M. le filibustier," cried Rivarol in a thick voice, "it seems that I must again remind you that I am your superior officer.""My superior officer! You! Lord of the World! Why, you are just a common pirate! But you shall hear the truth for once, and that before all these gentlemen who have the honour to serve the King of France. It is for me, a buccaneer, a sea-robber, to stand here and tell you what is in the interest of French honour and the French Crown. Whilst you, the French King's appointed General, neglecting this, are for spending the King's resources against an outlying settlement of no account, shedding French blood in seizing a place that cannot be held, only because it has been reported to you that there is much gold in Cartagena, and that the plunder of it will enrich you. It is worthy of the huckster who sought to haggle with us about our share, and to beat us down after the articles pledging you were already signed. If I am wrong - let M. de Cussy say so. If I am wrong, let me be proven wrong, and Iwill beg your pardon. Meanwhile, monsieur, I withdraw from this council. I will have no further part in your deliberations. Iaccepted the service of the King of France with intent to honour that service. I cannot honour that service by lending countenance to a waste of life and resources in raids upon unimportant settlements, with plunder for their only object. The responsibility for such decisions must rest with you, and with you alone. Idesire M. de Cussy to report me to the Ministers of France. For the rest, monsieur, it merely remains for you to give me your orders. Iawait them aboard my ship - and anything else, of a personal nature, that you may feel I have provoked by the terms I have felt compelled to use in this council. M. le Baron, I have the honour to wish you good-day.

He stalked out, and his three captains - although they thought him mad - rolled after him in loyal silence.

M. de Rivarol was gasping like a landed fish. The stark truth had robbed him of speech. When he recovered, it was to thank Heaven vigorously that the council was relieved by Captain Blood's own act of that gentleman's further participation in its deliberations.

Inwardly M. de Rivarol burned with shame and rage. The mask had been plucked from him, and he had been held up to scorn - he, the General of the King's Armies by Sea and Land in America.

Nevertheless, it was to Cartagena that they sailed in the middle of March. Volunteers and negroes had brought up the forces directly under M. de Rivarol to twelve hundred men. With these he thought he could keep the buccaneer contingent in order and submissive.

They made up an imposing fleet, led by M. de Rivarol's flagship, the Victorieuse, a mighty vessel of eighty guns. Each of the four other French ships was at least as powerful as Blood's Arabella, which was of forty guns. Followed the lesser buccaneer vessels, the Elizabeth, Lachesis, and Atropos, and a dozen frigates laden with stores, besides canoes and small craft in tow.

Narrowly they missed the Jamaica fleet with Colonel Bishop, which sailed north for Tortuga two days after the Baron de Rivarol's southward passage.

  • 重生之鹿晗我还是喜欢你


  • 若待此情成追忆


    姜问曦是百年仙师,人间地仙。为人正统,逢魔必诛。是人间楷模。一日出山伏魔时,救了一小童,小童长相清秀,伶俐可人,眼神清澈明亮。自此小童便成了姜问曦唯一的内门弟子。姜问曦亲自赐名——姜仙凝。亲自赐剑——凝仙。姜仙凝天资过人,十九岁随师入三界大战平妖魔鬼三族。但因其可以阴气修炼一直被修仙界排斥责骂。 姜仙凝为了不连累师尊,便封仙脉去人间做普通人。人间十年,看尽爱恨情仇,再回仙山时却被魔族下了蛊虫,解开了体内封印,魔族血统自此打开。竟是魔族一直追杀的前少主。 姜仙凝只得回头统领魔族,以魔族女君身份再撩师尊。虽是魔族,但爱真的分仙魔吗?人只因血统分善恶贵贱吗?只因身份悬殊就不能相爱吗?“若我舍了这一身仙气魔气,待我再归来时,是否就能伴师尊左右?”“管他仙丹魔丹,人间鬼界,只要师尊一语,我便成齑粉又何妨?”“我走遍人仙魔三界,受尽世人诋毁,皆无怨,只为师尊一人心……”“师尊,你到底要凝儿如何……”此书略有些虐,结尾撒花,前番种种疑问在书中都有解答。文中亦有逗比桥段。值得一看。
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