

Frederick Marion,noted seer,author of the book,In My Mind's Eye,in which he tells of many of his experiences with extrasensory perception,his developed ability to sense the thoughts of others,to foresee the future,also tells of his attempts to use his powers for determining when to buy and sell stocks.For a time he was successful; then his powers commenced to fail him.He could not control his human desire to try to force an answer when so much money was riding on every hunch that he needed,to "guess right." Every gambler who has used his intuition,has had it fail him under pressure.Most gamblers I have known have died broke or have had many more downs than ups.They never know when to stop—a success eggs them on to new losses.If they played the "game of life" straight,without tension and strain,their intuitive faculties would serve them more regularly and dependably.Life,in a sense,is a gamble ...you are betting on yourself to win ...and I would rather bet on myself than on a wheel of chance any day.Gambling is evil when you hurt yourself and others by doing it.Only those should gamble who can afford to lose.Unhappily,few of this type ever gamble.What is your classification? Why not bet on yourself instead? The risks are less and the gains,over a lifetime,are much greater—and more satisfying.

Can you suggest a formula or plan to aid me in sorting out the best for me of several things I could do and want to do—commercially?

No one can really do this for you but yourself.In your periods of meditation,say to your inner mind,the creative power within: "Determine for me wherein my best business opportunities lie—what abilities and past experiences I can crystallize and capitalize upon in my future." Give this picture to your subconscious,and then go about your business,in the faith and confidence that at the right time,through an intuitive flash or a sudden awareness,you will know the direction in which to go and how to go about it.You can depend upon it.The answer will be forthcoming.

Some writers claim that you do not learn by experience.Please explain what you mean by "learning by experience."

Learning by experience how not to do things as well as how to do them.Learning to profit by the experiences of others.Why should you make the same mistakes others have made if you observe in advance that a path they have taken has led them up a "dead-end street?" Use your intelligence as well as your faith in facing life and its problems.

I am stymied or bogged down with "clutter-clutter." How can I get out from under the feeling of chaos?

By eliminating your confused and disturbed thinking.You have formed the bad habit of paying too much attention to little,unimportant,insignificant detail and happenings,building them up into mountains and obstacles in your mind.They thus have become,as you have described,a lot of "clutter-clutter," milling around in your conscious mind,obstructing real thoughts and ideas that are trying to get through to you.You have a constant feeling of impending chaos only because these disturbed thoughts give you the sensation of being "overwhelmed or engulfed" by them.Throw them out,through an act of will and it will be "goodbye,chaos—welcome,law and order" in your mind.

What place does imagination have in the scheme of things if it is liable to mislead one's thinking?

Right direction of imagination,like anything else,makes it a tremendous power for good,instead of harm.Imagine good things coming to you—and good eventually comes as you have pictured it,through imagination; imagine ill,and you will get bad results in due time.

What is imagination?

Imagination is that faculty of mind which enables you to form in your inner consciousness a mental image or picture of what you want.It is the stimulator of thought,the activator of the creative power within,the means of ****** your desires specific.

How do you picture or think of the God Power or Presence within—when you pray? Can you just pray to a feeling of inner power?

Each person has his own concept of God,and what ever concept that is most satisfying,meaningful and helpful to you is the one you should use in your meditations and prayers.I certainly do not picture God,when I pray,as anthropomorphic in nature,seated on some vast throne somewhere in heavenly space.I have long since outgrown this childhood concept.Today,I have the conviction that a part of God,the Great Intelligence,indwells each human soul—you and me.You can recall how close you have felt and still feel toward a loved one.As you think of that loved one now,you bring him or her instantly to mind and you feel the bond of closeness which exists.In much the same way,let these feelings of closeness and intimacy come to you from God.You know your loved one exists as you think of him or her; you haven't the slightest doubt about it.Then,let yourself feel and know that God exists,and you will sense the God Presence within—the power that will never let you down,to whom you can go in meditation and prayer,and from whom you may expect right answers.

Would you kindly tell me what techniques one may use to blot out unhappy experiences of the past and how to forgive one's loved ones?

  • 精神疾病与心理学


    《精神疾病与心理学》是一本遭福柯厌弃的书,却在今天显示出非凡的学术价值和文献价值。20世纪50年代初期的米歇尔·福柯对心理学和精神病学进行了系统深入的学习,于1952及1953年分别获得精神病理学和实验心理学相关文凭,并在此期间聆听了法国精神分析学大师雅克·拉康的课程。1954年,福柯发表了他的第一本专著《精神疾病与人格》(Maladie mentale et Personnalité),但后来他对这部著作不甚满意,认为它不成熟,因此在1962年再版时做了大量修订,书名也随之更改为《精神疾病与心理学》。福柯在此书中强调“心理学只在疯癫被控制之后才成为了可能”,将疯癫的历史放入社会及文化结构中进行探讨。他通过对精神疾病特殊性的分析、对心理学具体形式的研究以及对疯癫状态的定义,呼应了书中的两大方面:精神疾病的心理学范畴以及疯癫与文化的辩证关系。
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  • 被拒绝的勇气


    因为“不敢”幸福。幸福意味着要拒绝他人的期待,独自确认自己的价值。正如阿德勒所说,人只有在感觉自己有价值的时候,才能获得勇气!日本哲学家岸见一郎与阿德勒心理学相遇,自1989年至今逾30年。在《被讨厌的勇气》 中,作者以哲人与年轻人的思想辩论展示了阿德勒心理学的能量。在《被拒绝的勇气》中,作者运用阿德勒心理学为众人解答困惑:成功和幸福到底有什么不同,摆脱社会期待的方法是什么,怎么做才能够打破社交恐惧症、在非理性的情感关系里如何自处。如果说一切烦恼都来自于人际关系,岸见一郎用《被拒绝的勇气》给出了解决烦恼的答案:想要真正的幸福,唯有用艰难的拒绝代替简单的从众。
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