

Beyond he saw the vanishing forms of the Royal Greens and the Rangers in full flight.But the Wyandots and the best of the Iroquois still stood fast until the pressure upon them became overwhelming.When the line of bayonets approached their breasts they fell back.Skilled in every detail of ambush, and a wonderful forest fighter, the Indian could never stand the bayonet.Reluctantly Timmendiquas, Thayendanegea and the Mohawks, Senecas, and Wyandots, who were most strenuous in the conflict, gave ground.Yet the battlefield, with its numerous trees, stumps, and inequalities, still favored them.They retreated slowly, firing from every covert, sending a shower of bullets, and now and then tittering the war whoop.

Henry heard a panting breath by his side.He looked around and saw the face of Heemskerk, glowing red with zeal and exertion.

"The victory is won already!" said he."Now to drive it home!""Come on," cried Henry in return, "and we'll lead!"A single glance showed him that none of his comrades had fallen.

Long Jim and Tom Ross had suffered slight wounds that they scarcely noticed, and they and the whole group of scouts were just behind Henry.But they now took breath, reloaded their rifles, and, throwing themselves down in Indian fashion, opened a deadly fire upon their antagonists.Their bullets searched all the thickets, drove out the Iroquois, and compelled them to retreat anew.

The attack was now pressed with fresh vigor.In truth, with so much that the bravest of the Indians at last yielded to panic.

Thayendanegea and Timmendiquas were carried away in the rush, and the white leaders of their allies were already out of sight.On all sides the allied red and white force was dissolving.

Precipitate flight was saving the fugitives from a greater loss in killed and wounded-it was usually Indian tactics to flee with great speed when the battle began to go against them-but the people of the Long House had suffered the greatest overthrow in their history, and bitterness and despair were in the hearts of the Iroquois chiefs as they fled.

The American army not only carried the center of the Indian camp, but the heavy flanking parties closed in also, and the whole Indian army was driven in at every point.The retreat was becoming a rout.A great, confused conflict was going on.The rapid crackle of rifles mingled with the shouts and war whoops of the combatants.Smoke floated everywhere.The victorious army, animated by the memory of the countless cruelties that had been practiced on the border, pushed harder and harder.The Iroquois were driven back along the Chemung.It seemed that they might be hemmed in against the river, but in their flight they came to a ford.Uttering their cry of despair, "Oonali! Oonali!" a wail for a battle lost, they sprang into the stream, many of them throwing away their rifles, tomahawks, and blankets, and rushed for the other shore.But the Scouts and a body of riflemen were after them.

Braxton Wyatt and his band appeared in the woods on the far shore, and opened fire on the pursuers now in the stream.He alone among the white men had the courage, or the desperation, to throw himself and his men in the path of the pursuit.The riflemen in the water felt the bullets pattering around them, and some were struck, but they did not stop.They kept on for the bank, and their own men behind them opened a covering fire over their heads.

Henry felt a great pulse leap in his throat at the sight of Braxton Wyatt again.Nothing could have turned him back now.

Shouting to the riflemen, he led the charge through the water, and the bank's defenders were driven back.Yet Wyatt, with his usual dexterity and prudence, escaped among the thickets.

The battle now became only a series of detached combats.Little groups seeking to make a stand here and there were soon swept away.Thayendanegea and Timmendiquas raged and sought to gather together enough men for an ambush, for anything that would sting the victors, but they were pushed too hard and fast.A rally was always destroyed in the beginning, and the chiefs themselves at last ran for their lives.The pursuit was continued for a long time, not only by the vanguard, but the army itself moved forward over the battlefield and deep into the forest on the trail of the flying Iroquois.

  • 四分律藏


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  • 粤游见闻


  • 毗尼心一卷


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  • 反穿后我成了大佬心尖宠


  • 绝世千娇


  • 天行


  • 写给时光的情书


  • 苦儿流浪记


    本书讲述了主人公小雷米的故事,他是身世不明的弃儿,被法国一家农户收养。雷米生性善良天真,在慈母的呵护下过着虽然贫穷但宁静的生活,凶恶的养父回家乡后把他卖给了品德高尚但身份神秘的流浪艺人,于是他一路与动物为伍,靠卖艺杂耍谋生。新主人遭冤入狱后,他邂逅了一位好心的贵妇人,过上了一段豪华的游艇生活。主人为培养他成为真正的人,把他领走,他们又开始流浪,在一个风雪之夜,艺班的动物惨遭狼口,主人又冻死于绝境,他侥幸被一家花农收养,这个避风港”不久也维持不下去,他只得又加入“黑煤子”的行列,偏偏又遭遇矿难,九死一生方重见天日;他得知自己的身世后,寻亲情急,误入有黑社会嫌疑的假生父之手。最终,他在好朋友的援手下终于找到自己的生母,原来她就是那位贵妇人,故事以大团圆结束。 本书多次被改编成电影、动画片和电视剧,受到世界各国一代又一代读者的欢迎。
  • 暗月流连


  • 重生徒弟不好惹


    冰雪彼岸情未殇,岁月倾寒自惆怅。今生可续前生缘?莲花醉梦独惋伤。冰雪双生,琴箫合奏,共同谱写一曲血色的离幻之歌,演绎一段不朽的传奇。本以为命运之神的陨落是结束,却不曾想是另一段奇遇的开始。冰墨渊:“师尊啊师尊,你说过,不会丢下我的(??.??)。”龙阳:“嗯~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o,娘亲。”看着抱着自己腿的两只‘大崽崽’,冰灵感觉好无辜,自己这是遭了什么孽啊╭(°A°`)╮!!!雪灵见此情形,无奈抚额:“姐姐啊!我早就说过让你仔细斟酌,可你偏偏不听,这可好了,讹上你了吧!”冰灵〒_〒:“我……”“咳咳,看来阳儿是只要师尊,不要娘亲了。那——”暮晨面无表情的说着,转身欲走,突然感觉脚下一沉,低头看去。“娘亲,我错了……”龙阳紧紧抓着暮晨,不让她再移动半步。暮晨@( ̄- ̄)@:“……”雪灵无奈扶额,任谁能相信,这扒着他姐姐的两个‘挂件’,一位是炎凰魔尊坠渊,一位是天阴魔种魔龙,这可都是叱咤魔道的大人物,搁她也不信啊!………缘起缘灭,他们之间的相遇,是相互救赎,还是相互虐杀,一切的因果就此展开。
  • 荡元


  • 天行


  • 情操与道德修养(道德修养集成)

