


"Father," exclaimed Tom Swift, looking up from a paper he was reading, "I think I can win that prize!""What prize is that?" inquired the aged inventor, gazing away from a drawing of a complicated machine, and pausing in his task of ****** some intricate calculations."You don't mean to say, Tom, that you're going to have a try for a government prize for a submarine, after all.""No," not a submarine prize, dad," and the youth laughed."Though our Advance would take the prize away from almost any other under-water boat, I imagine.No, it's another prize I'm thinking about.""What do you mean?"

"Well, I see by this paper that the Touring Club of America has offered three thousand dollars for the speediest electric car.The tests are to come off this fall, on a new and specially built track on Long Island, and it's to be an endurance contest for twenty-four hours, or a race for distance, they haven't yet decided.But I'm going to have a try for it, dad, and, besides winning the prize, I think I'll take Andy Foger down a peg.

"What's Andy been doing now?"

"Oh, nothing more than usual.He's always mean, and looking for a chance to make trouble for me, but I didn't refer to anything special He has a new auto, you know, and he boasts that it's the fastest one in this country.I'll show him that it isn't, for I'm going to win this prize with the speediest car on the road.""But, Tom, you haven't any automobile, you know," and Mr.Swift looked anxiously at his son, who was smiling confidently."You can't be going to make your motor-cycle into an auto; are you?""No, dad."

"Then how are you going to take part in the prize contest? Besides, electric cars, as far as I know, aren't specially speedy.""I know it, and one reason why this club has arranged the contest is to improve the quality of electric automobiles.I'm going to build an electricrunabout, dad."

"An electric runabout? But it will have to be operated with a storage battery, Tom, and you haven't--""I guess you're going to say I haven't any storage battery, dad," interrupted Mr.Swift's son."Well, I haven't yet, but I'm going to have one.I've been working on--""Oh, ho!" exclaimed the aged inventor with a laugh."So that's what you've been tinkering over these last few weeks, eh, Tom? I suspected it was some new invention, but I didn't suppose it was that.Well, how are you coming on with it?""Pretty good, I think.I've got a new idea for a battery, and I made an experimental one.I gave it some pretty severe tests, and it worked fine.""But you haven't tried it out in a car yet, over rough roads, and under severe conditions have you?""No, I haven't had a chance.In fact, when I invented the battery I had no idea of using it on a car I thought it might answer for commercial purposes, or for storing a current generated by windmills.But when I read that account in the papers of the Touring Club, offering a prize for the best electric car, it occurred to me that I might put my battery into an auto, and win.""Hum," remarked Mr.Swift musingly."I don't take much stock in electric autos, Tom.Gasolene seems to be the best, or perhaps steam, generated by gasolene.I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.All the electric runabouts I ever saw, while they were very nice cars, didn't seem able to go so very fast, or very far.""That's true, but it's because they didn't have the right kind of a battery.You know an electric locomotive can make pretty good speed, Dad.Over a hundred miles an hour in tests.""Yes, but they don't run by storage batteries.They have a third rail, and powerful motors," and Mr.Swift looked quizzically at his son.He loved to argue with him, for he said it made Tom think, and often the two would thus thresh out some knotty point of an invention, to the interests of both.

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  • 娘子只想当地主


    小扑街叶青穿成小孤女,刚来就流落山头,嘤嘤嘤......前世今生都命苦。捡回农家美少年。四年时光匆匆,美少年出落的器宇轩昂,打猎种田一把好手,最最关键是对叶青唯命是从,某天却摇身一变成定国侯世子。叶青泪流满面,众人只当她是喜极而泣......无月无风的夜晚,叶青包袱款款而逃,再也不见,我的美少年!宅斗会死,哪有种田逍遥!!! 小剧场 陈秋晨:“嫁给我你就是贵族地主。” 叶青:“确实贵,有可能拿命换。” 陈秋晨:“……我护着你,自己死也决不让你伤。” 叶青:“哦,那你现在干嘛还要我救。” 陈秋晨苦着脸,娘子太难追啥时候可以抱得点美人归。
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