

For other names see Herodian, {peri mon. l} (on monosyllables),12. 7; "Corp. Inscr." iv. p. 184, n. 8319; Arrian, v. 6, xix.; Colum. vii. 12, 13. According to Pollux, v. 47, Xenophon had a dog named{ippokentauros} (cf. "Cyrop." IV. iii. 17).

The young hounds may be taken out to the chase at the age of eight months[9] if bitches, or if males at the age of ten. They should not be letloose on the trail of a hare sitting,[10] but should be kept attached by long leashes and allowed to follow on a line while scenting,[11] with free scope to run along the trail.[12]

[9] Cf. Pollux, v. 54; al. Arrian, xxv., xxvi. [10] Pollux, v. 12.

[11] "The dogs that are trailing," Blane.

[12] See Stonehenge, "Entering of greyhound and deerhound, of foxhounds and harriers," pp. 284, 285.

As soon as a hare is found, provided the young hounds have the right points[13] for running, they should not be let loose straight off: the huntsman should wait until the hare has got a good start and is out of sight, then let the young hounds go.[14] The result of letting slip young hounds, possessed of all the requisite points and full of pluck,[15] is that the sight of the hare will make them strain too violently and pull them to bits,[16] while their frames are as yet unknit; a catastrophe against which every sportsman should strenuously guard. If, on the other hand, the young hounds do not promise well for running,[17] there is no harm in letting them go. From the start they will give up all hope of striking the hare, and consequently escape the injury in question.[18]

[13] For points see the same authority: the harrier, p. 59; the foxhound, p. 54.

[14] See Arrian's comment and dissent, xxv. 4.

[15] Lit. "which are at once well shaped and have the spirit for the chase in them."[16] Al. "they will overstrain themselves with the hare in sight, and break a blood-vessel." See Arrian, xxxi. 4, {regnuntai gar autais ai lagones}.

[17] Or, "are defectively built for the chase." [18] Or, "will not suffer such mishap."As to the trail of a hare on the run, there is no harm in letting them follow it up till they overtake her.[19] When the hare is caught the carcass should be given to the young hounds to tear in pieces.[20]

[19] Perhaps read {eos an thelosi}, "as long as they choose." The MSS. have {elthosi}.

[20] See Stonehenge, p. 287, "blooded, so as to make him understand the nature of the scent"; ib. 284.

As soon as these young hounds refuse to stay close to the nets and begin to scatter, they must be called back; till they have been accustomed to find the hare by following her up; or else, if not taught to quest for her (time after time) in proper style, they may end by becoming skirters[21]--a bad education.[22]

[21] {ekkunoi}, cf. Arrian, xxv. 5.

[22] {poneron mathema}, ib. 9.

As long as they are pups, they should have their food given them near the nets, when these are being taken up,[23] so that if from inexperience they should lose their way on the hunting-field, they may come back for it and not be altogether lost. In time they will be quit of this instinct themselves,[24] when their hostile feeling towards the animal is developed, and they will be more concerned about the quarry than disposed to give their food a thought.[25]

[23] {anairontai} sc. {ai arkues}, see above, vi. 26. [24] Or, "abandon the practice."[25] See Stonehenge, p. 289 (another context): ". . . the desire for game in a well-bred dog is much greater than the appetite for food, unless the stomach has long been deprived of it."As a rule, the master should give the dogs their food with his own hand; since, however much the animal may be in want of food without his knowing who is to blame for that, it is impossible to have his hunger satisfied without his forming an affection for his benefactor.[26] [26] Or, "If want in itself does not reveal to him the cause of his suffering, to be given food when hungry for it will arouse in him affection for the donor."

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