

When the wind did blow again it came in a gust which was accompanied by a twinkle of lightening over the whole sky and grumble of thunder.A whirl of dust and fine gravel enveloped the Jasper B.For a moment it was like a sandstorm.A few large drops of water fell.The gust was violent; the sails filled with it and struggled like kites to be free;here and there a strand of rope snapped; the masts bent and creaked; the booms jumped and swung round like live things; the whole ship from bowsprit to rudder shook and trembled with the assault.

Cleggett, watchful at the wheel, prepared to turn her nose away from the bank, but he was astonished to perceive that in spite of her quaking and shivering the Jasper B.did not move one inch forward from her position.He was prepared for a certain stability on the part of the Jasper B., but not for quite so much of it.

With the next gust the storm was on them in earnest.This blast came with zigzag flashes of lightning that showed the heavens riotous with battalions of charging clouds; it came with deafening thunder and a torrential discharge of rain.One would have thought the power of the wind sufficient to set a steel battleship scudding before it like a wooden shoe.And yet the extraordinary Jasper B., although she shrieked and groaned and seemed to stagger with the force of the blow, did not move either forward or sidewise.

She flinched, but she stood her ground.

Second by second the storm increased in fury; in a moment it was no longer merely a storm, it was a tempest.Cleggett, alarmed for the safety of his masts, now ordered his men to take in sail.

But even as he gave the order he realized that it could no longer be done.A cloudburst, a hurricane, an electrical bombardment, struck the Jasper B.all at once.One could not hear one's own voice.In the glare of the lightning Cleggett saw the rigging tossing in an indescribable confusion of canvas, spars, and ropes.Both masts and the bowsprit snapped at almost the same instant.The whole chaotic mass was lifted; it writhed in the air a moment, and then it came crashing down, partly on the deck and partly in the seething waters of the canal, where it lay and whipped ship and water with lashing tentacles of wreckage.

But still the unusual Jasper B.had not moved from her position.

Cleggett's men had had warning enough to save themselves.They gathered around him to wait for orders.More than one of them castanxious glances towards the land.Shouting to them to attack the debris with axes, and setting the example himself, Cleggett soon saw the deck clear again, and the Jasper B., to all intents, the same hulk she had been when he bought her.But such was the fury of the tempest that even with the big kites gone the Jasper B.continued to shake and quiver where she lay.Speech was almost impossible on deck, but Cap'n Abernethy signed to Cleggett that he had something important to say to him.

The whole company adjourned to the cabin, and there, shouting to make himself heard, the Cap'n cried out:

"Her timbers have been strained something terrible, Mr.Cleggett.

She ain't what I would call safe and seaworthy any more.The' don't seem to be any danger of her sailin' off, but that's no sign she can't be blowed over onto her beam ends and sunk with all on board.If you was to ask me, Mr.Cleggett, I'd say the time had come to leave the Jasper B."The anxiety depicted on the faces of the little circle about him might have communicated itself to a less intrepid nature.The old Cap'n himself was no coward.Indeed, in owning to his alarm he had really done a brave thing, since few have the moral courage to proclaim themselves afraid.But Cleggett was a man of iron.Although the tempest smote the hulk with blow after blow, although both earth and water seemed to lie prostrate and trampled beneath its unappeasable fury, Cleggett had no thought of yielding.

Unconsciously he drew himself up.It seemed to his crew that he actually gained in girth and height.The soul, in certain great moments, seems to have power to expand the body and inform it with the quality of immortality; Ajax, in his magnificent gesture of defiance, is all spirit.Cleggett, with his hand on his hip, uttered these words, not without their sublimity:

"Whether the Jasper B.sinks or swims, her commander will share her fate.I stay by my ship!"

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