
第8章 The Gay Old Dog [1917](3)

He wanted to buy everything that Emily needed, and everything that Emily desired.He wanted to marry Emily.That was it.He discovered that one day, with a shock, in the midst of a transaction in the harness business.He stared at the man with whom he was dealing until that startled person grew uncomfortable."What's the matter, Hertz?" "Matter?" "You look as if you'd seen a ghost or found a gold mine.I don't know which." "Gold mine," said Jo.And then, "No.Ghost." For he remembered that high, thin voice, and his promise.And the harness business was slithering downhill with dreadful rapidity, as the automobile business began its amazing climb.Jo tried to stop it.But he was not that kind of businessman.It never occurred to him to jump out of the down-going vehicle and catch the up-going one.He stayed on, vainly applying brakes that refused to work."You know, Emily, I couldn't support two households now.Not the way things are.But if you'll wait.If you'll only wait.The girls might--that is, Babe and Carrie--"She was a sensible little thing, Emily."Of course I'll wait.But wemustn't just sit back and let the years go by.We've got to help."She went about it as if she were already a little match****** matron.She corralled all the men she had ever known and introduced them to Babe, Carrie, and Eva separately, in pairs, and en masse.She got up picnics.She stayed home while Jo took the three about.When she was present she tried to look as plain and obscure as possible, so that the sisters should show up to advantage.She schemed, and planned, and contrived, and hoped; and smiled into Jo's despairing eyes.

And three years went by.Three precious years.Carrie still taught school, and hated it.Eva kept house more and more complainingly as prices advanced and allowance retreated.Stell was still Babe, the family beauty.Emily's hair, somehow, lost its glint and began to look just plain brown.Her crinkliness began to iron out.

"Now, look here!" Jo argued, desperately, one night."We could be happy, anyway.There's plenty of room at the house.Lots of people begin that way.Of course, I couldn't give you all I'd like to, at first.But maybe, after a while--" No dreams of salons, and brocade, and velvet-footed servitors, and satin damask now.Just two rooms, all their own, all alone, and Emily to work for.That was his dream.But it seemed less possible than that other absurd one had been.

Emily was as practical a little thing as she looked fluffy.She knew women.Especially did she know Eva, and Carrie, and Babe.She tried to imagine herself taking the household affairs and the housekeeping pocket- book out of Eva's expert hands.So then she tried to picture herself allowing the reins of Jo's house to remain in Eva's hands.And everything feminine and normal in her rebelled.Emily knew she'd want to put away her own freshly laundered linen, and smooth it, and pat it.She was that kind of woman.She knew she'd want to do her own delightful haggling with butcher and grocer.She knew she'd want to muss Jo's hair, and sit on his knee, and even quarrel with him, if necessary, without the awareness of three ever-present pairs of maiden eyes and ears.

"No! No! We'd only be miserable.I know.Even if they didn't object.And they would, Jo.Wouldn't they?"His silence was miserable assent.Then, "But you do love me.don'tyou, Emily?"

"I do, Jo.I love you--and love you--and love you.But, Jo, I--can't." "I know it, dear.I knew it all the time, really.I just thought, maybe,somehow----"

The two sat staring for a moment into space, their hands clasped.

Then they both shut their eyes with a little shudder, as though what they saw was terrible to look upon.Emily's hand, the tiny hand that was so unexpectedly firm, tightened its hold on his, and his crushed the absurd fingers until she winced with pain.

That was the beginning of the end, and they knew it.

Emily wasn't the kind of girl who would be left to pine.There are too many Jos in the world whose hearts are prone to lurch and then thump at the feel of a soft, fluttering, incredibly small hand in their grip.One year later Emily was married to a young man whose father owned a large, pie- shaped slice of the prosperous state of Michigan.

That being safely accomplished, there was something grimly humorous in the trend taken by affairs in the old house on Calumet.For Eva married.Married well, too, though he was a great deal older than she.She went off in a hat she had copied from a French model at Field's, and a suit she had contrived with a home dressmaker, aided by pressing on the part of the little tailor in the basement over on Thirty-first Street.It was the last of that, though.The next time they saw her, she had on a hat that even she would have despaired of copying, and a suit that sort of melted into your gaze.She moved to the North Side (trust Eva for that), and Babe assumed the management of the household on Calumet Avenue.It was rather a pinched little household now, for the harness business shrank and shrank.

"I don't see how you can expect me to keep house decently on this!" Babe would say contemptuously.Babe's nose, always a little inclined to sharpness, had whittled down to a point of late."If you knew what Ben gives Eva.""It's the best I can do, Sis.Business is something rotten.""Ben says if you had the least bit of----" Ben was Eva's husband, and quotable, as are all successful men.

"I don't care what Ben says," shouted Jo, goaded into rage."I'm sick of your everlasting Ben.Go and get a Ben of your own, why don't you, if you're so stuck on the way he does things."And Babe did.She made a last desperate drive, aided by Eva, and she captured a rather surprised young man in the brokerage way, who had made up his mind not to marry for years and years.Eva wanted to give her her wedding things, but at that Jo broke into sudden rebellion.

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