

Werper was satisfied.A grim smile touched his lips as he withdrew the weapon from the rugs and placed it carefully in the right hand of the dead man, fixing three of the fingers around the grip and the index finger inside the trigger guard.

A moment longer he tarried to rearrange the disordered rugs, and then he left as he had entered, fastening down the rear wall of the tent as it had been before he had raised it.

Going to the tent of the prisoner he removed there also the evidence that someone might have come or gone beneath the rear wall.Then he returned to his own tent, entered, fastened down the canvas, and crawled into his blankets.

The following morning he was awakened by the excited voice of Mohammed Beyd's slave calling to him at the entrance of his tent.

"Quick! Quick!" cried the black in a frightened tone.

"Come! Mohammed Beyd is dead in his tent--dead by his own hand."

Werper sat up quickly in his blankets at the first alarm, a startled expression upon his countenance; but at the last words of the black a sigh of relief escaped his lips and a slight smile replaced the tense lines upon his face.

"I come," he called to the slave, and drawing on his boots, rose and went out of his tent.

Excited Arabs and blacks were running from all parts of the camp toward the silken tent of Mohammed Beyd, and when Werper entered he found a number of the raiders crowded about the corpse, now cold and stiff.

Shouldering his way among them, the Belgian halted beside the dead body of the raider.He looked down in silence for a moment upon the still face, then he wheeled upon the Arabs.

"Who has done this thing?" he cried.His tone was both menacing and accusing."Who has murdered Mohammed Beyd?"

A sudden chorus of voices arose in tumultuous protest.

"Mohammed Beyd was not murdered," they cried."He died by his own hand.This, and Allah, are our witnesses,"

and they pointed to a revolver in the dead man's hand.

For a time Werper pretended to be skeptical; but at last permitted himself to be convinced that Mohammed Beyd had indeed killed himself in remorse for the death of the white woman he had, all unknown to his followers, loved so devotedly.

Werper himself wrapped the blankets of the dead man about the corpse, taking care to fold inward the scorched and bullet-torn fabric that had muffled the report of the weapon he had fired the night before.

Then six husky blacks carried the body out into the clearing where the camp stood, and deposited it in a shallow grave.As the loose earth fell upon the silent form beneath the tell-tale blankets, Albert Werper heaved another sigh of relief--his plan had worked out even better than he had dared hope.

With Achmet Zek and Mohammed Beyd both dead, the raiders were without a leader, and after a brief conference they decided to return into the north on visits to the various tribes to which they belonged, Werper, after learning the direction they intended taking, announced that for his part, he was going east to the coast, and as they knew of nothing he possessed which any of them coveted, they signified their willingness that he should go his way.

As they rode off, he sat his horse in the center of the clearing watching them disappear one by one into the jungle, and thanked his God that he had at last escaped their villainous clutches.

When he could no longer hear any sound of them, he turned to the right and rode into the forest toward the tree where he had hidden Lady Greystoke, and drawing rein beneath it, called up in a gay and hopeful voice a pleasant, "Good morning!"

There was no reply, and though his eyes searched the thick foliage above him, he could see no sign of the girl.Dismounting, he quickly climbed into the tree, where he could obtain a view of all its branches.The tree was empty--Jane Clayton had vanished during the silent watches of the jungle night.

  • 我们曾在孤岛相聚


  • 墨怜玉


  • 永恒至暗


  • 天行


  • 鹤啸幽野


  • 总裁的恶魔小妻子


  • 查理九世之友谊如水


  • 今生今世好好爱:听张小娴谈爱情


    一直以来,张小娴对爱情的精辟解读,教我们学习如何爱。她以女人的柔韧,以唯美、知性,充满灵气的话语,给我们带来思考的灵感、和对爱情的领悟。她给我们描绘出了初恋的青涩,失恋的痛苦,和经历过后的成熟。 本书告诉读者,爱情给我们带来的,或许是幸福,也可能是痛苦。但毫无疑问的,每个人都在爱情中得到了成长。曾经最痛的地方,已经长成了最强大的地方。它叫人学会独立,独立,是为了爱的有尊严;美丽,是为了能让他可以一眼在人群中找到你。得体的打扮,优雅的谈吐,勤奋的工作,甚至居家的本领,都是一个人成熟的标志,这些似乎都在为迎接一个人做准备。这些也是张小娴笔下的爱情传递出来带着暖意的青春正能量。
  • 该死的青春请原谅我


  • 天行

