

After having turned the point, the settlers saw a long beach washed by the open sea.It was then eight o'clock in the morning.The sky was very clear, as it often is after prolonged cold; but warmed by their walk, neither Harding nor his companions felt the sharpness of the atmosphere too severely.Besides there was no wind, which made it much more bearable.Abrilliant sun, but without any calorific action, was just issuing from the ocean.The sea was as tranquil and blue as that of a Mediterranean gulf, when the sky is clear.Claw Cape, bent in the form of a yataghan, tapered away nearly four miles to the southeast.To the left the edge of the marsh was abruptly ended by a little point.Certainly, in this part of Union Bay, which nothing sheltered from the open sea, not even a sandbank, ships beaten by the east winds would have found no shelter.They perceived by the tranquillity of the sea, in which no shallows troubled the waters, by its uniform color, which was stained by no yellow shades, by the absence of even a reef, that the coast was steep and that the ocean there covered a deep abyss.Behind in the west, but at a distance of four miles, rose the first trees of the forests of the Far West.They might have believed themselves to be on the desolate coast of some island in the Antarctic regions which the ice had invaded.The colonists halted at this place for breakfast.A fire of brushwood and dried seaweed was lighted, and Neb prepared the breakfast of cold meat, to which he added some cups of Oswego tea.

While eating they looked around them.This part of Lincoln Island was very sterile, and contrasted with all the western part.The reporter was thus led to observe that if chance had thrown them at first on the shore, they would have had but a deplorable idea of their future domain.

"I believe that we should not have been able to reach it," replied the engineer, "for the sea is deep, and there is not a rock on which we could have taken refuge.Before Granite House, at least, there were sandbanks, an islet, which multiplied our chances of safety.Here, nothing but the depths!""It is singular enough," remarked Spilett, "that this comparatively small island should present such varied ground.This diversity of aspect, logically only belongs to continents of a certain extent.One would really say, that the western part of Lincoln Island, so rich and so fertile, is washed by the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and that its shores to the north and the southeast extend over a sort of Arctic sea.""You are right, my dear Spilett," replied Cyrus Harding, "I have also observed this.I think the form and also the nature of this island strange.

It is a summary of all the aspects which a continent presents, and I should not be surprised if it was a continent formerly.""What! a continent in the middle of the Pacific?" cried Pencroft.

"Why not?" replied Cyrus Harding."Why should not Australia, New Ireland, Australasia, united to the archipelagoes of the Pacific, have once formed a sixth part of the world, as important as Europe or Asia, as Africa or the two Americas? To my mind, it is quite possible that all these islands, emerging from this vast ocean, are but the summits of a continent, now submerged, but which was above the waters at a prehistoric period.""As the Atlantis was formerly," replied Herbert.

"Yes, my boy...if, however, it existed.""And would Lincoln Island have been a part of that continent?" asked Pencroft.

"It is probable," replied Cyrus Harding, "and that would sufficiently, explain the variety of productions which are seen on its surface.""And the great number of animals which still inhabit it," added Herbert.

"Yes, my boy," replied the engineer, "and you furnish me with an argument to support my theory.It is certain, after what we have seen, that animals are numerous in this island, and what is more strange, that the species are extremely varied.There is a reason for that, and to me it is that Lincoln Island may have formerly been a part of some vast continent which had gradually sunk below the Pacific.""Then, some fine day," said Pencroft, who did not appear to be entirely convinced, "the rest of this ancient continent may disappear in its turn, and there will be nothing between America and Asia.""Yes," replied Harding, "there will be new continents which millions and millions of animalculae are building at this moment.""And what are these masons?" asked Pencroft.

"Coral insects," replied Cyrus Harding."By constant work they made the island of Clermont-Tonnerre, and numerous other coral islands in the Pacific Ocean.Forty-seven millions of these insects are needed to weigh a grain, and yet, with the sea-salt they absorb, the solid elements of water which they assimilate, these animalculae produce limestone, and this limestone forms enormous submarine erections, of which the hardness and solidity equal granite.Formerly, at the first periods of creation, nature employing fire, heaved up the land, but now she entrusts to these microscopic creatures the task of replacing this agent, of which the dynamic power in the interior of the globe has evidently diminished--which is proved by the number of volcanoes on the surface of the earth, now actually extinct.And I believe that centuries succeeding to centuries, and insects to insects, this Pacific may one day be changed into a vast continent, which new generations will inhabit and civilize in their turn.""That will take a long time," said Pencroft.

"Nature has time for it," replied the engineer.

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