

"Such a happy thing takes all the glad we've got,and we forget the last time.You too are glad to have him--are you not,good giant?""Yes,indeed,I am!"I answered."But how do you feed him?""I will show you,"she rejoined,and went away--to return directly with two or three ripe little plums.She put one to the baby's lips.

"He would open his mouth if he were awake,"she said,and took him in her arms.

She squeezed a drop to the surface,and again held the fruit to the baby's lips.Without waking he began at once to suck it,and she went on slowly squeezing until nothing but skin and stone were left.

"There!"she cried,in a tone of gentle triumph."A big-apple world it would be with nothing for the babies!We wouldn't stop in it--would we,darling?We would leave it to the bad giants!""But what if you let the stone into the baby's mouth when you were feeding him?"I said.

"No mother would do that,"she replied."I shouldn't be fit to have a baby!"I thought what a lovely woman she would grow.But what became of them when they grew up?Where did they go?That brought me again to the question--where did they come from first?

"Will you tell me where you lived before?"I said.

"Here,"she replied.

"Have you NEVER lived anywhere else?"I ventured.

"Never.We all came from the wood.Some think we dropped out of the trees.""How is it there are so many of you quite little?""I don't understand.Some are less and some are bigger.I am very big.""Baby will grow bigger,won't he?"

"Of course he will!"

"And will you grow bigger?"

"I don't think so.I hope not.I am the biggest.It frightens me sometimes.""Why should it frighten you?"

She gave me no answer.

"How old are you?"I resumed.

"I do not know what you mean.We are all just that.""How big will the baby grow?"

"I cannot tell.--Some,"she added,with a trouble in her voice,"begin to grow after we think they have stopped.--That is a frightful thing.We don't talk about it!""What makes it frightful?"

She was silent for a moment,then answered,"We fear they may be beginning to grow giants.""Why should you fear that?"

"Because it is so terrible.--I don't want to talk about it!"She pressed the baby to her bosom with such an anxious look that Idared not further question her.

Before long I began to perceive in two or three of the smaller children some traces of greed and selfishness,and noted that the bigger girls cast on these a not infrequent glance of anxiety.

None of them put a hand to my work:they would do nothing for the giants!But they never relaxed their loving ministrations to me.

They would sing to me,one after another,for hours;climb the tree to reach my mouth and pop fruit into it with their dainty little fingers;and they kept constant watch against the approach of a giant.

Sometimes they would sit and tell me stories--mostly very childish,and often seeming to mean hardly anything.Now and then they would call a general assembly to amuse me.On one such occasion a moody little fellow sang me a strange crooning song,with a refrain so pathetic that,although unintelligible to me,it caused the tears to run down my face.This phenomenon made those who saw it regard me with much perplexity.Then first I bethought myself that I had not once,in that world,looked on water,falling or lying or running.Plenty there had been in some long vanished age--that was plain enough--but the Little Ones had never seen any before they saw my tears!They had,nevertheless,it seemed,some dim,instinctive perception of their origin;for a very small child went up to the singer,shook his clenched pud in his face,and said something like this:"'Ou skeeze ze juice out of ze good giant's seeberries!Bad giant!""How is it,"I said one day to Lona,as she sat with the baby in her arms at the foot of my tree,"that I never see any children among the giants?"She stared a little,as if looking in vain for some sense in the question,then replied,"They are giants;there are no little ones.""Have they never any children?"I asked.

"No;there are never any in the wood for them.They do not love them.If they saw ours,they would stamp them.""Is there always the same number of the giants then?I thought,before I had time to know better,that they were your fathers and mothers."She burst into the merriest laughter,and said,"No,good giant;WE are THEIR firsters."But as she said it,the merriment died out of her,and she looked scared.

I stopped working,and gazed at her,bewildered.

"How CAN that be?"I exclaimed.

"I do not say;I do not understand,"she answered."But we were here and they not.They go from us.I am sorry,but we cannot help it.THEY could have helped it.""How long have you been here?"I asked,more and more puzzled--in the hope of some side-light on the matter.

"Always,I think,"she replied."I think somebody made us always."I turned to my scraping.

She saw I did not understand.

  • 佛说决定义经


  • 十牛图颂


  • The Hunchback

    The Hunchback

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  • Cow-Country


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  • 女汉子的春天


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  • 遇见最美好的遇见


    沈美好摇了摇空空的易拉罐,把它放到脚下,用力的踩扁,然后向桥的另一边踢去,过往的车辆从那个干扁的易拉罐上面来回碾压,每碾一下,她都会觉得心疼不已,那些沉重的车轱辘仿佛直接碾过她的心脏一般。很直接的让过往一次次被压的粉身碎骨。 当他遇见她,他内心的一盏灯仿佛被瞬间点亮,从此以后那个被封闭起来的小世界灯火璀璨,绚烂一生。相遇之后,他们的青春仿佛开始了一场别开生面的长跑比赛,谁也怕输,谁也怕自己最后会赢了对方,青春路上没有输赢,没有亏欠,喜欢你,是我的选择,跟你没关系。(作者说:感谢童友们的投票和打赏,感谢所有人支持原创文学,支持正版阅读!)