

"There were a number of Americans in Esperitu, but they were all in business or grafts of some kind, and wouldn't take any hand in politics, which was sensible enough.But they showed me and Denver a fine time, and fixed us up so we could get decent things to eat and drink.There was one American, named Hicks, used to come and loaf at the headquarters.Hicks had had fourteen years of Esperitu.He was six feet four and weighed in at 135.Cocoa was his line; and coast fever and the climate had taken all the life out of him.They said he hadn't smiled in eight years.His face was three feet long, and it never moved except when he opened it to take quinine.He used to sit in our headquarters and kill fleas and talk sarcastic.

"'I don't take much interest in politics,' says Hicks, one day, 'but I'd like you to tell me what you're trying to do down here, Galloway?'

"'We're boosting General Rompiro, of course,' says Denver.'We're going to put him in the presidential chair.I'm his manager.'

"'Well,' says Hicks, 'if I was you I'd be a little slower about it.

You've got a long time ahead of you, you know.'

"'Not any longer than I need,' says Denver.

"Denver went ahead and worked things smooth.He dealt out money on the quiet to his lieutenants, and they were always coming after it.There was free drinks for everybody in town, and bands playing every night, and fireworks, and there was a lot of heelers going around buying up votes day and night for the new style of politics in Espiritu, and everybody liked it.

"The day set for the election was November 4th.On the night before Denver and me were smoking our pipes in headquarters, and in comes Hicks and unjoints himself, and sits in a chair, mournful.Denver is cheerful and confident.'Rompiro will win in a romp,' says he.'We'll carry the country by 10,000.It's all over but the vivas.To-morrow will tell the tale.'

"'What's going to happen to-morrow?' asks Hicks.

"'Why, the presidential election, of course,' says Denver.

"'Say,' says Hicks, looking kind of funny, 'didn't anybody tell you fellows that the election was held a week before you came? Congress changed the date to July 27th.Roadrickeys was elected by 17,000.I thought you was booming old Rompiro for next term, two years from now.

Wondered if you was going to keep up such a hot lick that long.'

"I dropped my pipe on the floor.Denver bit the stem off of his.

Neither of us said anything.

"And then I heard a sound like somebody ripping a clap-board off of a barn-roof.'Twas Hicks laughing for the first time in eight years."

Sully Magoon paused while the waiter poured us a black coffee.

"Your friend was, indeed, something of a manager," I said.

"Wait a minute," said Sully, "I haven't given you any idea of what he could do yet.That's all to come."

"When we got back to New York there was General Rompiro waiting for us on the pier.He was dancing like a cinnamon bear, all impatient for the news, for Denver had just cabled him when we would arrive and nothing more.

"'Am I elect?' he shouts.'Am I elect, friend of mine? Is that mine country have demanded General Rompiro for the president? The last dollar of mine have I sent you that last time.It is necessario that I am elect.I have not more money.Am I elect, Senor Galloway?'

"Denver turns to me.

"'Leave me with old Rompey, Sully,' he says.'I've got to break it to him gently.'Twould be indecent for other eyes to witness the operation.This is the time, Sully,' says he, 'when old Denver has got to make good as a jollier and a silver-tongued sorcerer, or else give up all the medals he's earned.'

"A couple of days later I went around to the hotel.There was Denver in his old place, looking like the hero of two historical novels, and telling 'em what a fine time he'd had down on his orange plantation in Florida.

"'Did you fix things up with the General?' I asks him.

"'Did I?' says Denver.'Come and see.'

"He takes me by the arm and walks me to the dining-room door.There was a little chocolate-brown fat man in a dress suit, with his face shining with joy as he swelled himself and skipped about the floor.

Danged if Denver hadn't made General Rompiro head waiter of the Hotel Brunswick!"

"Is Mr.Galloway still in the managing business?" I asked, as Mr.

Magoon ceased.

Sully shook his head.

"Denver married an auburn-haired widow that owns a big hotel in Harlem.He just helps around the place."

  • 剑负苍天


  • 我是你的大反派


    梦中惊醒,发现自己到了古怪的二次元异世界,随手捡了一个小世界,美滋滋!啊,体内的主角光环之力觉醒吧!?哎,这位美女,让我做你的大反派吧??????(阳光般灿烂的大男孩笑容) 【前期写的尴尬,不尽人意,还请不要介意。后续一定努力改进,我保证后期一定写出让大家满意和喜欢的故事!希望大家多多支持,耐着性子多看下,如果始终没有进步,就果断弃了,有起色的话还请多多支持,拜谢!】
  • 情定一世:狐仙缘


  • 穿书后我成了反派的白月光


    新书《破案大佬在线追妻》已上线~ 【穿书+美食+1v1+绝宠】自己不过是看书熬夜了几天,就眼前一黑穿成了书中同名同姓的恶毒女配,叶乐怡表示自己承受不来。家里落魄?没关系,她在现代可是美食评论家,做起美食生意来风生水起。和反派有婚约但是关系不好?没关系,反派才是大佬,自己哄着劝着,一定能跟大佬搞好关系。可大佬你怎么那么温柔?那么体贴?直到叶乐怡的肚子渐渐鼓起来,她才明白,自己是被大佬给骗了!大佬表示,错过了一次,绝对不会错过第二次,当初不知道你的心思只能默默守护,现在知道了,那么你就是我的!(一心想抱大腿的软萌女主vs在外高冷在女主面前温柔的腹黑男主,穿越女vs重生男)另外推荐自己已完结旧文《皇上又又又宣我了》
  • 纹者传奇


  • 腹黑总裁的神秘宠妻


  • 猫神驾到


  • 仙凡战争


  • 我在阴间开银行


  • 爱的安魂曲

