

'I am, rather,' I answered.'But it doesn't matter, for I have nothing to do to-morrow.'

'We shall get a cab, I dare say, before we go far.'

'Not for me.I am not so tired, but that I would rather walk,' Isaid.

'Very well,' he returned.'Where do you live?'

I told him.

'I will take you the nearest way.'

'You know London marvellously.'

'Pretty well now,' he answered.

We were somewhere near Leather Lane about one o'clock.Suddenly we came upon two tiny children standing on the pavement, one on each side of the door of a public-house.They could not have been more than two and three.They were sobbing a little--not much.The tiny creatures stood there awfully awake in sleeping London, while even their own playmates were far off in the fairyland of dreams.

'This is the kind of thing,' I said, 'that makes me doubt whether there be a God in heaven.'

'That is only because he is down here,' answered Falconer, 'taking such good care of us all that you can't see him.There is not a gin-palace, or yet lower hell in London, in which a man or woman can be out of God.The whole being love, there is nothing for you to set it against and judge it by.So you are driven to fancies.'

The house was closed, but there was light above the door.We went up to the children, and spoke to them, but all we could make out was that mammie was in there.One of them could not speak at all.

Falconer knocked at the door.A good-natured-looking Irishwoman opened it a little way and peeped out.

'Here are two children crying at your door, ma'am,' said Falconer.

'Och, the darlin's! they want their mother.'

'Do you know her, then?'

'True for you, and I do.She's a mighty dacent woman in her way when the drink's out uv her, and very kind to the childher; but oncet she smells the dhrop o' gin, her head's gone intirely.The purty craytures have waked up, an' she not come home, and they've run out to look after her.'

Falconer stood a moment as if thinking what would be best.The shriek of a woman rang through the night.

'There she is!' said the Irishwoman.'For God's sake don't let her get a hould o' the darlints.She's ravin' mad.I seen her try to kill them oncet.'

The shrieks came nearer and nearer, and after a few moments the woman appeared in the moonlight, tossing her arms over her head, and screaming with a despair for which she yet sought a defiant expression.Her head was uncovered, and her hair flying in tangles;her sleeves were torn, and her gaunt arms looked awful in the moonlight.She stood in the middle of the street, crying again and again, with shrill laughter between, 'Nobody cares for me, and Icare for nobody! Ha! ha! ha!'

'Mammie! mammie!' cried the elder of the children, and ran towards her.

The woman heard, and rushed like a fury towards the child.Falconer too ran, and caught up the child.The woman gave a howl and rushed towards the other.I caught up that one.With a last shriek, she dashed her head against the wall of the public-house, dropped on the pavement, and lay still.

Falconer set the child down, lifted the wasted form in his arms, and carried it into the house.The face was blue as that of a strangled corpse.She was dead.

'Was she a married woman?' Falconer asked.

'It's myself can't tell you sir,' the Irishwoman answered.'I never saw any boy with her.'

'Do you know where she lived?'

'No, sir.Somewhere not far off, though.The children will know.'

But they stood staring at their mother, and we could get nothing out of them.They would not move from the corpse.

'I think we may appropriate this treasure-trove,' said Falconer, turning at last to me; and as he spoke, he took the eldest in his arms.Then, turning to the woman, he gave her a card, saying, 'If any inquiry is made about them, there is my address.--Will you take the other, Mr.Gordon?'

I obeyed.The children cried no more.After traversing a few streets, we found a cab, and drove to a house in Queen Square, Bloomsbury.

Falconer got out at the door of a large house, and rung the bell;then got the children out, and dismissed the cab.There we stood in the middle of the night, in a silent, empty square, each with a child in his arms.In a few minutes we heard the bolts being withdrawn.The door opened, and a tall graceful form wrapped in a dressing-gown, appeared.

'I have brought you two babies, Miss St.John,' said Falconer.'Can you take them?'

'To be sure I can,' she answered, and turned to lead the way.'Bring them in.'

We followed her into a little back room.She put down her candle, and went straight to the cupboard, whence she brought a sponge-cake, from which she cut a large piece for each of the children.

'What a mercy they are, Robert,--those little gates in the face!

Red Lane leads direct to the heart,' she said, smiling, as if she rejoiced in the idea of taming the little wild angelets.'Don't you stop.You are tired enough, I am sure.I will wake my maid, and we'll get them washed and put to bed at once.'

  • 废材狂妃逆天


  • 弃妃倾世


  • 梦仙霖


  • 天行


  • 诸方战场行


    他曾执军旗见证封狼居胥,曾握马槊驭重骑大破邙山,曾提陌刀与同袍横扫叛军,他亦愿追随直捣黄龙,痛击倭寇,护国疆域……二十出头的李穆,意外获得战场体验系统,从此奔走在古代战场,以小人物的视角领略将帅的雄才伟略,热血沙场,也见证他们的兴衰败亡,扼腕叹息。李穆拼尽全力希望能做出改变,但回头来,本以为终究只是一个过场,却没想到自己已经卷入了一个致命的轮回。故事篇幅:【护国全】【拓疆土】【定江山】当前世界:西汉元狩四年漠北战场——霍去病 北齐河清三年邙山战场——高长恭 中唐至德二载香积寺战场——李嗣业 南宋乾道至淳熙后——辛弃疾 大明嘉靖四十三年仙游战场——戚继光 战国始皇帝二十一年至二十三年楚国战场——王翦 马其顿帝国三世东征——亚历山大
  • 崩坏世界之卡斯兰娜的骑士


    崩坏的入侵给人类带来了巨大的伤痛,但是没有人知道的是……曾经的人类,给崩坏带来无尽的悲怆。人类为了对抗崩坏,曾经舍弃了一切,几乎被毁灭,而崩坏为了复仇早已扭曲畸形。 这样的战争究竟有什么意义,这样的战争,除了死亡他们到底还能获得什么!但是仅仅只有几个人才知道一个残酷的事实:崩坏算什么?最可怕的东西从来都不是崩坏,而是人心! 书友群已经创建了!群号是:663487494,现在群里作者势力一手遮天,有读者帮我撑场吗?
  • 遇见你是我不好的开始


  • 武极神王


  • 特别的他和她


  • 神域超凡王者

