

inhabitants,and into which,also,there was a constant influx of newcomers.But as the promulgation of new miracles is not for present times,it is not pretended that under such circumstances one and all are become wise and good;or,that they are free from error.But it may be truly stated,that they now constitute a very improved society;that their worst habits are gone,and that their minor ones will soon disappear under a continuance of the application of the same principles;that during the period mentioned,scarcely a legal punishment has been inflicted,or an application been made for parish funds by any individual among them.Drunkenness is not seen in their streets;and the children are taught and trained in the institution for forming their character without any punishment.The community exhibits the general appearance of industry,temperance,comfort,health,and happiness.These are and ever will be the sure and certain effects of the adoption of the principles explained;and these principles,applied with judgement,will effectually reform the most vicious community existing,and train the younger part of it to any character which may be desired;and that,too,much more easily on an extended than on a limited scale.To apply these principles,however,successfully to practice,both a comprehensive and a minute view must be taken of the existing state of the society on which they are intended to operate.The causes of the most prevalent evils must be accurately traced,and those means which appear the most easy and ****** should be immediately applied to remove them.

In this progress the smallest alteration,adequate to produce any good effect,should be made at one time;indeed,if possible,the change should be so gradual as to be almost imperceptible,yet always ****** a permanent advance in the desired improvements.By this procedure the most rapid practical progress will be obtained,because the inclination to resistance will be removed,and time will be given for reason to weaken the force of long-established injurious prejudices.The removal of the first evil will prepare the way for the removal of the second;and this facility will increase,not in an arithmetical,but in a geometrical proportion;until the directors of the system will themselves be gratified beyond expression with the beneficial magnitude of their own proceedings.

Nor while these principles shall be acted upon can there be any retrogression in this good work;for the permanence of the amelioration will be equal to its extent.

What then remains to prevent such a system from being immediately adopted into national practice?Nothing,surely,but a general destitution of the knowledge of the practice.For with the certain means of preventing crimes,can it be supposed that British legislators,as soon as these means shall be made evident,will longer withhold them from their fellow subjects?

No:I am persuaded that neither prince,ministers,parliament,nor any party in church or state,will avow inclination to act on principles of such flagrant injustice.Have they not on many occasions evinced a sincere and ardent desire to ameliorate the condition of the subjects of the empire,when practicable means of amelioration were explained to them,which could be adopted without risking the safety of the state?

For some time to come there can be but one practicable,and therefore one rational reform,which without danger can be attempted in these realms;a reform in which all men and all parties may join that is,a reform in the training and in the management of the poor,the ignorant,the untaught and untrained,or ill-taught and ill-trained,among the whole mass of British population;and a plain,******,practicable plan which would not contain the least danger to any individual,or to any part of society,may be devised for that purpose.

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