

I found him lying extended on his back in a cane chair, odiously unbuttoned, with a large green leaf of some sort on the top of his steaming head, and another in his hand which he used lazily as a fan. . . . Going to Patusan?

Oh, yes. Stein's Trading Company. He knew. Had a permission. No business of his. It was not so bad there now, he remarked negligently, and, he went on drawling, "There's some sort of white vagabond had got in there, I hear.

. . . Eh? What you say? Friend of yours? So! . . . Then it was true there was one of these vordamte --What was he up to? Found his way in, the rascal. Eh? I had not been sure. Patusan--they cut throats there--no business of ours." He interrupted himself to groan. "Phoo! Almighty! The heat! The heat! Well, then, there might be something in the story, too, after all, and . . ." He shut one of his beastly glassy eyes (the eyelid went on quivering), while he leered at me atrociously with the other. "Look here," says he, mysteriously, "if--do you understand?--if he has really got hold of something fairly good--none of your bits of green glass--understand?--Iam a government official--you tell the rascal . . . Eh? What? Friend of yours?" . . . He continued wallowing calmly in the chair. . . . "You said so; that's just it; and I am pleased to give you the hint. I suppose you, too, would like to get something out of it? Don't interrupt. You just tell him I've heard the tale, but to my government I have made no report. Not yet. See? Why make a report? Eh? Tell him to come to me if they let him get alive out of the country. He had better look out for himself. Eh? Ipromise to ask no questions. On the quiet--you understand? You, too--you shall get something from me. Small commission for the trouble. Don't interrupt.

I am a government official, and make no report. That's business. Understand?

I know some good people that will buy anything worth having, and can give him more money than the scoundrel ever saw in his life. I know his sort."He fixed me steadfastly with both his eyes open, while I stood over him utterly amazed, and asking myself whether he was mad or drunk. He perspired, puffed, moaning feebly, and scratching himself with such horrible composure that I could not bear the sight long enough to find out. Next day, talking casually with the people of the little native court of the place, I discovered that a story was travelling slowly down the coast about a mysterious white man in Patusan who had got hold of an extraordinary gem--namely, an emerald of an enormous size, and altogether priceless. The emerald seems to appeal more to the Eastern imagination than any other precious stone. The white man had obtained it, I was told, partly by the exercise of his wonderful strength and partly by cunning, from the ruler of a distant country, whence he had fled instantly arriving in Patusan in utmost distress, but frightening the people by his extreme ferocity, which nothing seemed able to subdue.

Most of my informants were of the opinion that the stone was probably unlucky--like the famous stone of the Sultan of Succadana, which in the old times had brought wars and untold calamities upon that country. Perhaps it was the same stone--one couldn't say. Indeed the story of a fabulously large emerald is as old as the arrival of the first white men in the Archipelago; and the belief in it is so persistent that less than forty years ago there had been an official Dutch inquiry into the truth of it. Such a jewel--it was explained to me by the old fellow from whom I heard most of this amazing Jim-myth--a sort of scribe to the wretched little Rajah of the place;--such a jewel, he said, cocking his poor purblind eyes up at me (he was sitting on the cabin floor out of respect), is best preserved by being concealed about the person of a woman. Yet it is not every woman that would do. She must be young--he sighed deeply--and insensible to the seductions of love.

He shook his head sceptically. But such a woman seemed to be actually in existence. He had been told of a tall girl, whom the white man treated with great respect and care, and who never went forth from the house unattended.

People said the white man could be seen with her almost any day; they walked side by side, openly, he holding her arm under his--pressed to his side--thus--in a most extraordinary way. This might be a lie, he conceded, for it was indeed a strange thing for any one to do: on the other hand, there could be no doubt she wore the white man's jewel concealed upon her bosom.'

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    寒月也并不清楚自己为什么被拉来参加所谓的篝火露营,冷静分析一下,多半是这群热情好客的地球人看到自己孤身一人走在湖边,脸上写满了“人生地不熟”外加“语言不通”,同一时间善心大发。他很想立刻表示自己的情况不是那么糟糕,怎么说自己也是奥勃泽博的王子,奥勃泽博星未来的主人,被其他宇宙人统一称为“观察者”的存在,拥有几乎全宇宙星球、种族等杂七杂八的档案(虽说很多年没有更新过),适应环境什么……很容易,也许吧。 —————————————— 同人,剧情向,原创男主 OOC属于我,除原创以外角色均属于原著 时间从初代开始
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