
第30章 XV(1)

Claude dreaded the inactivity of the winter, to which the farmer usually looks forward with pleasure. He made the Thanksgiving football game a pretext for going up to Lincoln,--went intending to stay three days and stayed ten. The first night, when he knocked at the glass door of the Erlichs' sitting-room and took them by surprise, he thought he could never go back to the farm.

Approaching the house on that clear, frosty autumn evening, crossing the lawn strewn with crackling dry leaves, he told himself that he must not hope to find things the same. But they were the same. The boys were lounging and smoking about the square table with the lamp on it, and Mrs. Erlich was at the piano, playing one of Mendelssohn's "Songs Without Words." When he knocked, Otto opened the door and called:

"A surprise for you, Mother! Guess who's here."

What a welcome she gave him, and how much she had to tell him!

While they were all talking at once, Henry, the oldest son, came downstairs dressed for a Colonial ball, with satin breeches and stockings and a sword. His brothers began to point out the inaccuracies of his costume, telling him that he couldn't possibly call himself a French emigre unless he wore a powdered wig. Henry took a book of memoirs from the shelf to prove to them that at the time when the French emigres were coming to Philadelphia, powder was going out of fashion.

During this discussion, Mrs. Erlich drew Claude aside and told him in excited whispers that her cousin Wilhelmina, the singer, had at last been relieved of the invalid husband whom she had supported for so many years, and now was going to marry her accompanist, a man much younger than herself.

After the French emigre had gone off to his party, two young instructors from the University dropped in, and Mrs. Erlich introduced Claude as her "landed proprietor" who managed a big ranch out in one of the western counties. The instructors took their leave early, but Claude stayed on. What was it that made life seem so much more interesting and attractive here than elsewhere? There was nothing wonderful about this room; a lot of books, a lamp . . . comfortable, hard-used furniture, some people whose lives were in no way remarkable--and yet he had the sense of being in a warm and gracious atmosphere, charged with generous enthusiasms and ennobled by romantic friendships. He was glad to see the same pictures on the wall; to find the Swiss wood-cutter on the mantel, still bending under his load of faggots; to handle again the heavy brass paper-knife that in its time had cut so many interesting pages. He picked it up from the cover of a red book lying there,-one of Trevelyan's volumes on Garibaldi, which Julius told him he must read before he was another week older.

The next afternoon Claude took Mrs. Erlich to the football game and came home with the family for dinner. He lingered on day after day, but after the first few evenings his heart was growing a little heavier all the time. The Erlich boys had so many new interests he couldn't keep up with them; they had been going on, and he had been standing still. He wasn't conceited enough to mind that. The thing that hurt was the feeling of being out of it, of being lost in another kind of life in which ideas played but little part. He was a stranger who walked in and sat down here; but he belonged out in the big, lonely country, where people worked hard with their backs and got tired like the horses, and were too sleepy at night to think of anything to say.

If Mrs. Erlich and her Hungarian woman made lentil soup and potato dumplings and WienerSchnitzel for him, it only made the plain fare on the farm seem the heavier.

When the second Friday came round, he went to bid his friends good-bye and explained that he must be going home tomorrow. On leaving the house that night, he looked back at the ruddy windows and told himself that it was goodbye indeed, and not, as Mrs.

Erlich had fondly said, auf wiedersehen. Coming here only made him more discontented with his lot; his frail claim on this kind of life existed no longer. He must settle down into something that was his own, take hold of it with both hands, no matter how grim it was. The next day, during his journey out through the bleak winter country, he felt that he was going deeper and deeper into reality.

  • 三嫁之王妃


  • 轻叹息


  • 天行


  • 成功在我


  • 诸天穿越者管理局


    一所管理诸天穿越者的枯燥机构。想穿越吗? 《漫威》《火影》《fate/zero》《地下城与勇士》《DC》《遮天》《三体》《哈利波特》《洪荒》《七龙珠》《斗破苍穹》《斗罗大陆》 或是任何诸天世界,包括你写的书内,只要你想穿越,我们就能帮你。我们会在书评区随机抽取读者发送穿越资格和系统。快过节了,中几个系统送个心爱的人吧。PS:发给您的系统可以私人订制。下个月公布5个诸天聊天群群号,前五十位留下评论的读者给予聊天群的管理员资格。
  • 万年历程


  • 霓裳水仙


  • 守护美女


  • 我没有在撩你


    楼藏月三岁就被教育,凡事不要让着顾临风。十七年后,顾临风求婚。婚后五年,顾临风离婚。 说起来你可能不信,我前夫狠起来连自己都绿。三年是个漫长的,癌症,顾临风死了。一年后,楼藏月疯了,住进了精神病院。他们的人生不会再有交集,可系统的出现却让一切发生的变化。“想复活顾临风吗?”“代价。““完成任务,收集碎片。”就这样,楼藏月的余生渐渐脱离原来的轨迹。
  • 三重门外

