
第17章 Chapter 9(2)

When as three French Crowns,were current but after the rate of 21s sterling:The Jacobus weighs 7deniers and 20grains,and is 22carrats fine.The French Crown sol,is 23carrats fine bating the Remedy,and weighs by the ordinance 2deniers,15grains,so as three French Crowns full weight,weigh one grain more than a Jacobus,and are worth one 24th part more in fineness,and yet were current in France for 12d less than a Jacobus.The Jacobus was worth in Holland after the rate of 15s sterling,in the years 1621,and 1622;then was the Ryder there current,but after the rate of 22s sterling or little more,and yet the Ryder in intrinsical value is not two pence worse than the Jacobus.In the year 1622,at the Mart at Francfort n Autumn,English shillings were current at a higher rate,fineness for fineness,and weight for weight,than their own Dollars coyned in that Town,so as in these times there were great profit by transporting Dollars out of Francfort,Ryders out of Holland,and French Crowns out of France,and carrying them back again coined in English Coins;and there is no doubt to be made,but that great Numbers were accordingly transported,the subtilty of the Bancquers not omitting any opportunity to make their Advantage of the popular Errors,which daily do exceed in this Subject of Money.But if the Permission may be so qualified as the Usefullness may be retained,and yet the Dangers may be avoided therein.Now that the Dangers may be avoided therein.Now that the Dangers are exposed,I do exhort all the furtherers of the Common good to exercise their Invention,as in all other Inconveniences propounded in this Subject.The most probable Proposition that Ican find,is that Spanish Money should be made current,but not that any Realls of Silver or Pistolets of Gold should be current at any rate according to the price.But that the Spanish Money of Gold and Silver should be made current according to a certain Rate by the Ounce,which rate should be so proportioned,as that the Spanish Money should have allowed unto it at one value,as great as may answer the charge of coinage,without allowing any thing for the King's Tribute,to draw it the easiest into the Kingdom.By this means the Dishonour would be avoided for,although it would be frequently current amongst Merchants,and in all great payments,yet in Fairs and Markets and the Commerce within the Kingdom,it would have no place being not current by the piece.And this defect of the Currencie of the pieces would make a great part of them piece by piece drop into his Majesties Mint.Especially if the Officers of the Mint use their endeavour to buy them for the use of the Mint:than it would necessarily keep out all light Money,or if any were brought in,it would be without disadvantage to us.For,First,Upon our occasion of raising it,strangers could not raise it higher;both because it would be most concealed from them,and they should not be able to proportion their raising to ours,except they should take the same course,which is almost impossible for them to do,who have Spanish Money in so great abundance already current by the piece.

And lastly,not allowing to it a greater over-value than to your own Money,it will be impossible to transports your own Money for profit to bring it back coyned in Spanish Money.Others have propounded that the Spanish Money both of Gold and Silver should be made current by the piece,allowing an over-value unto it both for the Coinage and the King's Tribute equal unto our own,but that being of a weight allowable,it should receive the addition of a new stamp at the King's Mint,for which the King should receive upon the pound,so much as his own clear Profit amounts unto upon his own coin;and the Merchants in the currency of the pieces should have allowance of so much as the charge of the Coinage amounts unto.But this inconvenience would probably happen in this Proposition,that if the pieces that should have the Addition of the stamp unto them,were made current at a price,the people would likewise receive those that had not the said Addition at the same price.

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    微微凉凉的风吹着,你还在吗?唐青夏爱宋珽凌已经用了整整十二年。 没有为什么,就是满腔热血的爱,可是,到今晚过后还爱吗? 从儿时,少年时,长大后,她都在望着他的背影。 可好像,他们之间只能是不逾矩的好朋友。为了一个人,放弃了许多许多,可到头来却得不到什么。爱过,还爱吗?爱吧。她想,如果不爱离开之时,心为什么还是会痛。 既然痛,那就继续爱吧。无论世间何物,我只爱你——宋珽凌 ————日常戏精:唐青夏 在面对不知名的情敌时 “哥哥,这位是?”唐青夏清纯无比的问。 对面的宋珽凌一愣后,立马反应配合。 “妹妹,这位是张小姐。”宋珽凌表情微冷,但还是宠妻配合。 “你是宋妹妹吧?我是你哥哥的女朋友。” “噢?哥哥不要我了吗?虽然,我们是亲兄妹,可是你要对我负责啊。” “我当然负责。” “可是,妈妈会打死我们的!” “我一定会护你周全的。” “你最好了。”后,若有若无的抚摸小腹,“哥哥,这是我们的小宝宝。” 宝宝? 张小姐心里承受不住了:“亲兄妹?小宝宝?” “是啊,哥哥对我可好了!” 看到张小姐走远后,宋珽凌才开口:“好玩吗?” “一般般吧,你演技有待提高!” “……”
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