

A trine reversed also represents the same forces, with its apex in matter, hence it is negative.In these two complex ideas, clearly represented by these symbols, we have ALL matter and spirit; and yet they are but extensions of our point in space, rendered far-reaching and complex, by the position and the number of angles presented.

Let us turn the key once again, and we find that, both spirit and matter possess the same outline in their primal concept, except reversed (polarized).

Let us unite these two trines, and we have a still more potent form; a symbol almost infinitely complex.We have spirit and matter united, or, rather, three rays of force, positive, meeting three rays of force, negative, at a given point.Thus we have six points, also six sides, the ultimate ofwhich is a cube.All are now equal.It is the first force of a crystallization (creation) of matter.

Once again let us turn the key, and we have our two conceptions in a metaphysical sense; the trine with its apex above is as the trine with its apex below, both the same in form, yet vibrating to very different planes, and a very different language is required to read and interpret their meaning aright.The spiritual, or the trine with its apex above, draws its influence from the celestial, and as it condenses and takes on form in the trine of matter, it transmits this same Divine force through its apex, which points below, to matter.The double trine is found upon every plane, obeying the Divine Law of Correspondences.

It is, in this sense, called "Solomon's Seal," because it is the grand hieroglyphic of the Hermetic law: "As it is above, so it is below; as on the Earth, so in the sky."To continue this line of reasoning, or speculation, let us say, would lead us beyond the firm basis of human reason; it would escape the grasp of intellect, to which I am compelling this course of instruction to bend, but it would never take us beyond the real limits of the universe; yet, not to extend our investigations, we would ever remain in the lower trine, in the realms of effects, and lose sight entirely of the trine of spirit, from whence originated the force and potency in the form of matter.

Therefore it is, that the science of Symbolism has been evolved and formulated.The symbols, the manifestations, are ever present, and the study of effects will, to a developed soul, suggest the cause, the nature of the principle back of it, as well as the law which would produce such effects.Such is the science of symbolism; and it bounds and binds back into a religio-philosophical system, each class of symbols and each plane of manifestation; as securely as modern savants have defined the province of chemistry, magnetism, and mathematics; and, so far, these bounds are useful.But it is only a question of time and space, after all, because, when resolved back, or, let us say, evolved up into their abstract principles; chemistry, magnetism, and mathematics, are purely arbitrary terms to express special features of the same one eternal thing or science--which is EXISTENCE; and it, in turn, is CONSCIOUSNESS; not that externalconsciousness of existence, not that knowledge and love of living, but that interior, conscious knowledge, which tells us why and how we exist, by what force and power we are sustained and permitted to obey and carry out the law of mediumship, reception and transmission, attraction and repulsion, spiritual and material, that ultimately blend and become as one, the double trine, and, united with the Divine Ego of its being, becomes complete; seven, the perfected number of form.

  • The Old Peabody Pew

    The Old Peabody Pew



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  • 渣男离我妹妹远一点


    她无意走近臭名远昭的富二代刘清风生活圈,却发现了另一个刘清风。十几年前江家视她如同女儿养,再次相聚她对于江家却是陌生人。都说同行是冤家,是就竞争对手,江海地产和世风集团创始人都是重情重义之人,行事作风一向是义在向,利在后。无奸不商四个字形容他们欠公平,可是两家的矛盾却是一个接一个,目的好像都把对方整垮置于死地。世风集团的富少刘清风,寻花问柳、地皮无赖、处事暴力,这些字眼与他为人行事根本不符。夏杨柳感觉这一切背后有一只黑手在操控,她周旋两家之间,和身为刑警队长的秦英凯抽丝剥茧,解开一个个谜团。背后黑手浮出水面操控者让所有的人惊讶,同时揪出了上一代人恩恩怨怨和隐藏的秘密。 故事主人公夏杨柳,也把自己推向与三个男人错综复杂的感情漩涡。 最终她将与谁牵手,共谱生命恋歌。
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