

Coleman wanted to ask his servant if there was any chance of the scout taking them near Nikopolis, but he delayed being informed upon this point until such time as he could find out, secretly, for himself. To ask the dragoman would be mere stupid questioning which would surely make the animal shy. He tried to be content that fate had given him this early opportunity of dealing with a Medieval situation with some show of proper form ; that is to say, armed, a-horse- back, and in danger. Then he could feel that to the gods of the game he was not laughable, as when he rode to rescue his love in a diligence with a devil-dog yelping a-top.

With some flourish, the young captain presented him to the major who commanded the cavalry. This officer stood with his legs wide apart, eating the rind of a fresh lemon and talking betimes to some of his officers. The major also beamed upon Coleman when the captain explained that the gentleman in the distinguished-looking khaki clothes wished to accompany the expedition. He at once said that he would provide two troop horses for Coleman and the dragoman. Coleman thanked fate for his behaviour and his satisfaction was not without a vestige of surprise. At that time he judged it to be a remarkable amiability of individuals, but in later years he came to believe in certain laws which he deemed existent solely for the benefit of war correspondents. In the minds of governments, war offices and generals they have no function save one of disturbance, but Coleman deemed it proven that the common men, and many uncommon men, when they go away to the fighting ground, out of the sight, out of the hearing of the world known to them, and are eager to perform feats of war in this new place, they feel an absolute longing for a spectator. It is indeed the veritable coronation of this world. There is not too much vanity of the street in this desire of men to have some disinterested fellows perceive their deeds. It is merely that a man doing his best in the middle of a sea of war, longs to have people see him doing his best. This feeling is often notably serious if, in peace, a man has done his worst, or part of his worst. Coleman believed that, above everybody, young, proud and brave subalterns had this itch, but it existed, truly enough, from lieutenants to colonels.

None wanted to conceal from his left hand that his right hand was performing a manly and valiant thing, although there might be times when an application of the principle would be immensely convenient. The war correspondent arises, then, to become a sort of a cheap telescope for the people at home;further still, there have been fights where the eyes of a solitary man were the eyes of the world; one spectator, whose business it was to transfer, according to his ability, his visual impressions to other minds.

Coleman and his servant were conducted to two saddled troop horses, and beside them, waited decently in the rear of the ranks. The uniform of the troopers was of plain, dark green cloth and they were well and sensibly equipped. The mounts, however, had in no way been picked; there were little horses and big horses, fat horses and thin horses. They looked the result of a wild conscription. Coleman noted the faces of the troopers, and they were calm enough save when a man betrayed himself by perhaps a disproportionate angry jerk at the bridle of his restive horse.

The major, artistically drooping his cloak from his left shoulder and tenderly and musingly fingering his long yellow moustache, rode slowly to the middle of the line and wheeled his horse to face his men. A bugle called attention, and then he addressed them in a loud and rapid speech, which did not seem to have an end. Coleman imagined that the major was paying tribute to the Greek tradition of the power of oratory. Again the trumpet rang out, and this parade front swung off into column formation. Then Coleman and the dragoman trotted at the tail of the squadron, restraining with difficulty their horses, who could not understand their new places in the procession, and worked feverishly to regain what they considered their positions in life.

The column jangled musically over the sod, passing between two hills on one of which a Greek light battery was posted. Its men climbed to the tops of their interenchments to witness the going of the cavalry. Then the column curved along over ditch and through hedge to the shallows of the river. Across this narrow stream was Turkey. Turkey, however, presented nothing to the eye but a muddy bank with fringes of trees back of it. It seemed to be a great plain with sparse collections of foliage marking it, whereas the Greek side, presented in the main a vista of high, gaunt rocks. Perhaps one of the first effects of war upon the mind, is a. new recognition and fear of the circumscribed ability of the eye, ****** all landscape seem inscrutable. The cavalry drew up in platoon formation on their own. bank of the stream and waited. If Coleman had known anything of war, he would have known, from appearances, that there was nothing in the immediate vicinity to, cause heart-jumping, but as a matter of truth he was deeply moved and wondered what was hidden, what was veiled by those trees.

Moreover, the squadrons resembled art old picture of a body of horse awaiting Napoleon's order to charge. In the, meantime his mount fumed at the bit, plunging to get back to the ranks. The sky was, without a cloud, and the sun rays swept down upon them. Sometimes Coleman was on the verge of addressing the dragoman, according to his anxiety, but in the end he simply told him to go to the river and fill the can- teens.

  • 红楼梦


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  • 月高亦寒


    不过是小时候不小心扑倒顺便调戏了某邪王,苏月岚却被缠了一辈子!“爱妃,乖,来暖床。” 苏月岚屁颠颠去了。 “爱妃,乖,来亲亲。” 苏月岚屁颠颠去了。 “爱妃,乖,来生包子。” 苏月岚屁颠颠去了。 诶,等等?!人家还是个黄花大闺女!她是大昭灵女,简称大昭神棍,成天混吃混喝无所事事还要端着个架子装大佬。 有一天无所事事还爱惹是生非的神棍撞上了万人之上的真大佬,苏月岚表示我投降,我不该装x! (简介废)(扮猪吃虎)
  • 当病弱小祖宗掉马后


    江城云家家主接回来一个小侄女,是个又瞎又哑的小可怜。私底下有传言所谓的侄女不过是个幌子,实际上是不知道哪儿来的私生女,不好拿出来见人才用了这个托词。整个江城都在等着看云家和这个小侄女的笑话。等着等着小哑巴不哑了,成了全国卷的理科状元。等着等着小瞎子不瞎了,成了京城段家的少奶奶。笑话没看到,打脸声到是啪啪作响。无数人在心中恰柠檬:——“哼,不就是靠着点姿色傍上了段爷吗?得意个什么劲?也不看看自己配不配的上,指不定段爷什么时候玩腻了就扔了。”段爷的一众小弟虽然碍于段爷,嘴上不敢说,心中却也曾经这么暗戳戳想过。直到——原来云小姐就是段爷找了十年的白月光兼救命恩人!原来云小姐就是段爷一直想要寻求帮助的合作对象!原来原来原来!!!原来他们一直以为的小可怜竟然是需要他们仰望的大佬!对不起,是我们不配......——别人眼中的段爷:冷酷!无情!云若眼中的段爷:温柔!可爱!别人想象的画面:段爷:“乖,谁惹到你了,天凉了,他们也该破产了。”别人看到的画面:云若:“乖,几个小杂碎而已,不值得你动手。” 读者群:1147601354
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