

Perhaps it was not a surprising thing that Chatellerault should gaze upon me in that curious fashion, for, was it not probable that he had heard that I was dead? Besides, the fact that I was without a sword, and that at my side stood a King's officer, afforded evidence enough of my condition, and well might Chatellerault stare at beholding me so manifestly a prisoner.

Even as I watched him, he appeared to start at something that Saint-Eustache was saying, and a curious change spread over his face.

Its whilom expression had been rather one of dismay; for, having believed me dead, he no doubt accounted his wager won, whereas seeing me alive had destroyed that pleasant conviction. But now it took on a look of relief and of something that suggested malicious cunning.

"That," said Castelroux in my ear, "is the King's commissioner.

Did I not know it? I never waited to answer him, but, striding across the room, I held out my hand over the table - to Chatellerault.

"My dear Comte," I cried, "you are most choicely met.

I would have added more, but there was something in his attitude that silenced me. He had turned half from me, and stood now, hand on hip, his great head thrown back and tilted towards his shoulder, his expression one of freezing and disdainful wonder.

Now, if his attitude filled me with astonishment and apprehension, consider how these feelings were heightened by his words.

"Monsieur de Lesperon, I can but express amazement at your effrontery.

If we have been acquainted in the past, do you think that is a sufficient reason for me to take your hand now that you have placed yourself in a position which renders it impossible for His Majesty's loyal servants to know you?"I fell back a pace, my mind scarce grasping yet the depths of this inexplicable attitude.

"This to me, Chatellerault?" I gasped.

"To you?" he blazed, stirred to a sudden passion. "What else did you expect, Monsieur de Lesperon?"I had it in me to give him the lie, to denounce him then for a low, swindling trickster. I understood all at once the meaning of this wondrous make-believe. From Saint-Eustache he had gathered the mistake there was, and for his wager's sake he would let the error prevail, and hurry me to the scaffold. What else might I have expected from the man that had lured me into such a wager - a wager which the knowledge he possessed had made him certain of winning?

Would he who had cheated at the dealing of the cards neglect an opportunity to cheat again during the progress of the game?

As I have said, I had it in my mind to cry out that he lied - that I was not Lesperon that he knew I was Bardelys. But the futility of such an outcry came to me simultaneously with the thought of it.

And, I fear me, I stood before him and his satellites - the mocking Saint-Eustache amongst them - a very foolish figure.

"There is no more to be said," I murmured at last.

"But there is!" he retorted. "There is much more to be said. You shall render yet an account of your treason, and I am afraid, my poor rebel, that your comely head will part company with your shapely body. You and I will meet at Toulouse. What more is to be said will be said in the Tribunal there."A chill encompassed me. I was doomed, it seemed. This man, ruling the province pending the King's arrival, would see to it that none came forward to recognize me. He would expedite the comedy of my trial, and close it with the tragedy of my execution. My professions of a mistake of identity - if I wasted breath upon them would be treated with disdain and disregarded utterly. God! What a position had I got myself into, and what a vein of comedy ran through it -grim, tragic comedy, if you will, yet comedy to all faith. The very woman whom I had wagered to wed had betrayed me into the hands of the very man with whom I laid my wager.

But there was more in it than that. As I had told Mironsac that night in Paris, when the thing had beet initiated, it was a duel that was being fought betwixt Chatellerault and me - a duel for supremacy in the King's good graces. We were rivals, and he desired my removal from the Court. To this end had he lured me into a bargain that should result in my financial ruin, thereby compelling me to withdraw from the costly life of the Luxembourg, and leaving him supreme, the sole and uncontested recipient of our master's favour. Now into his hand Fate had thrust a stouter weapon and a deadlier: a weapon which not only should make him master of the wealth that I had pledged, but one whereby he might remove me for all time, a thousandfold more effectively than the mere encompassing of my ruin would have done.

I was doomed. I realized it fully and, very bitterly.

I was to go out of the ways of men unnoticed and unmourned; as a rebel, under the obscure name of another and bearing another's sins upon my shoulders, I was to pass almost unheeded to the gallows.

Bardelys the Magnificent - the Marquis Marcel Saint-Pol de Bardelys, whose splendour had been a byword in France - was to go out like a guttering candle.

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    【逗比+爽文+一对一宠文+无虐】众所周知祁水是个无属性的废物,不仅长的丑灵力也低,真是能让人笑到大牙。祁水轻蔑一笑,笑到最后的不知是谁。凤凰?双生神器?无尽神识?你们从不相信存在的东西,不好意思,我全都有。祁水露出自己的真容又是让世人眼前一亮,叹到真是绝世容颜。祁水:之前为什么丑?还不是为了想当个小隐形,可惜啊,实力不允许o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o**某天,背锅的祁水欠下白上二百五十万。祁水:还钱?还钱是不可能的,这辈子都不可能还钱的。我老公的钱还需要还?白上:确实不需要,但是你上辈子的账能结一下吗?今生前世,千年过去,一眼看去还是你。灵魂契约,一旦成立,便是永世。人和妖在一起是违背天道?祁水笑道:“天道?我不介意换成天道违背我。”他屠尽一族,只为唤醒因违背天意拼了命的她。再见之时,二人满眼皆是对方。
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