

"Ganymede," said I slowly, "when we return to Paris - if you do not die of fright 'twixt this and then - I'll find a place for you in the kitchens. God send you may make a better scullion than a follower!" Then, vaulting over the wall, "Attend me, some half-dozen of you," I commanded, and stepped out briskly towards the barn.

As the weather-beaten old door creaked upon its rusty hinges, we were greeted by a groan from within, and with it the soft rustle of straw that is being moved. Surprised, I halted, and waited whilst one of my men kindled a light in the lanthorn that he carried.

By its rays we beheld a pitiable sight in a corner of that building.

A man, quite young and of a tall and vigorous frame, lay stretched upon the straw. He was fully dressed even to his great riding-boots, and from the loose manner in which his back-and-breast hung now upon him, it would seem as if he had been ****** shift to divest himself of his armour, but had lacked the strength to complete the task.

Beside him lay a feathered headpiece and a sword attached to a richly broidered baldrick. All about him the straw was clotted with brown, viscous patches of blood. The doublet which had been of sky-blue velvet was all sodden and stained, and inspection showed us that he had been wounded in the right side, between the straps of his breastplate.

As we stood about him now, a silent, pitying group, appearing fantastic, perhaps, by the dim light of that single lanthorn, he attempted to raise his head, and then with a groan he dropped it back upon the straw that pillowed it. From out of a face white, as in death, and drawn with haggard lines of pain, a pair of great lustrous blue eyes were turned upon us, abject and pitiful as the gaze of a dumb beast that is stricken mortally.

It needed no acuteness to apprehend that we had before us one of yesterday's defeated warriors; one who had spent his last strength in creeping hither to get his dying done in peace. Lest our presence should add fear to the agony already upon him, I knelt beside him in the blood-smeared straw, and, raising his head, Ipillowed it upon my arm.

"Have no fear," said I reassuringly. "We are friends. Do you understand?"The faint smile that played for a second on his lips and lighted his countenance would have told me that he; understood, even had Inot caught his words, faint as a sigh "Merci, monsieur." He nestled his head into the crook of my arm. "Water - for the love of God!" he gasped, to add in a groan, " Je me meurs, monsieur."Assisted by a couple of knaves, Ganymede went about attending to the rebel at once. Handling him as carefully as might be, to avoid giving him unnecessary pain they removed his back-and-breast, which was flung with a clatter into one of the corners of the barn. Then, whilst one of them gently drew off his boots, Rodenard, with the lanthorn close beside him, cut away the fellow's doublet, and laid bare the oozing sword-wound that gaped in his mangled side. He whispered an order to Gilles, who went swiftly off to the coach in quest of something that he had asked for; then he sat on his heels and waited, his hand upon the man's pulse, his eyes on his face.

I stooped until my lips were on a level with my intendant's ear.

"How is, it with him?" I inquired.

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    叶绮箩逛完街回宿舍的路上,意外被车撞倒。而刚买的工艺品二龙吐珠狠狠砸在了脸上,其中那颗珠子更是镶进了自己眼睛里。这颗珠子竟然是个系统,而她做任务赚够积分就可以回家。可是……为毛性别可以变化!变成男人的叶绮箩欲哭无泪!本文无男主,有的任务界面可能会有男主,但到最后女主还是一个人穿越各个界面,坚决不np,仅以此文慰藉我无处安放的脑洞。女主是一个很普通的人,并且金手指很少,解决问题也是用普通人会用的办法。 有的小故事可能会有男主,但总的来说算是无男主的。大女主向,尊重读者智商,坚决不会把读者智商按在地上摩擦。新手开坑!感谢支持!
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