

'The Countess answers that question by confiding her project to the Courier, without the slightest reserve.

'Some minutes of silence follow when she has done. The Courier is not weak enough yet to speak without stopping to think first.

Still keeping his eyes on the Countess, he makes a quaintly insolent remark on what he has just heard. "I have not hitherto been a religious man; but I feel myself on the way to it.

Since your ladyship has spoken to me, I believe in the Devil."It is the Countess's interest to see the humorous side of this confession of faith. She takes no offence. She only says, "I will give you half an hour by yourself, to think over my proposal.

You are in danger of death. Decide, in your wife's interests, whether you will die worth nothing, or die worth a thousand pounds."'Left alone, the Courier seriously considers his position--and decides. He rises with difficulty; writes a few lines on a leaf taken from his pocket-book; and, with slow and faltering steps, leaves the room.

'The Countess, returning at the expiration of the half-hour's interval, finds the room empty. While she is wondering, the Courier opens the door. What has he been doing out of his bed? He answers, "I have been protecting my own life, my lady, on the bare chance that I may recover from the bronchitis for the third time.

If you or the Baron attempts to hurry me out of this world, or to deprive me of my thousand pounds reward, I shall tell the doctor where he will find a few lines of writing, which describe your ladyship's plot. I may not have strength enough, in the case supposed, to betray you by ****** a complete confession with my own lips;but I can employ my last breath to speak the half-dozen words which will tell the doctor where he is to look. Those words, it is needless to add, will be addressed to your Ladyship, if I find your engagements towards me faithfully kept."'With this audacious preface, he proceeds to state the conditions on which he will play his part in the conspiracy, and die (if he does die)worth a thousand pounds.

'Either the Countess or the Baron are to taste the food and drink brought to his bedside, in his presence, and even the medicines which the doctor may prescribe for him. As for the promised sum of money, it is to be produced in one bank-note, folded in a sheet of paper, on which a line is to be written, dictated by the Courier.

The two enclosures are then to be sealed up in an envelope, addressed to his wife, and stamped ready for the post. This done, the letter is to be placed under his pillow; the Baron or the Countess being at liberty to satisfy themselves, day by day, at their own time, that the letter remains in its place, with the seal unbroken, as long as the doctor has any hope of his patient's recovery.

The last stipulation follows. The Courier has a conscience; and with a view to keeping it easy, insists that he shall be left in ignorance of that part of the plot which relates to the sequestration of my Lord.

Not that he cares particularly what becomes of his miserly master--but he does dislike taking other people's responsibilities on his own shoulders.

'These conditions being agreed to, the Countess calls in the Baron, who has been waiting events in the next room.

'He is informed that the Courier has yielded to temptation;but he is still too cautious to make any compromising remarks.

Keeping his back turned on the bed, he shows a bottle to the Countess.

It is labelled "Chloroform." She understands that my Lord is to be removed from his room in a convenient state of insensibility.

In what part of the palace is he to be hidden? As they open the door to go out, the Countess whispers that question to the Baron. The Baron whispers back, "In the vaults!"The curtain falls.'

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    【双处1V1+甜宠】初遇时,他是江湖上令人闻风丧胆的烬天阁阁主,她是云天国受宠的公主。 再见时,他是一国之君,睥睨天下,而她也顺理成章地成了他的女人。 他说:我想给你天下无双的宠爱。 他说:你恨我却不妨碍我爱你。 最后,某女被纠缠的忍无可忍,问道:“这如画的江山,你不要了吗?” “要,不过我只要画中的一个你。” (本文以甜为主,以小虐为辅,另外友情提示:女配都是炮灰。)
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