
第23章 怀俄明州(3)

Strengthen thy children though dost teach,

Nature’s truth thou givest to each,

Free and noble are thy workings and thy ways.


In the nation’s banner(旗帜,标语)free

There’s one star that has for me

A radiance pure and splendor like the sun;

Mine it is,Wyoming’s star,

Home it leads me near or far;

O Wyoming!All my hear and love you’ve won!

Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Wyoming’s license plates feature a man on a bucking bronco[[动]野马(指美国西部平原的)].

2.Wyoming was the first state to give women the right to vote.

3.Yellowstone is the first official National Park(1872).

4.Devils(魔鬼)Tower was designated as the first National Monument(纪念碑)(1906).

5.The city of Gillette has the largest High School in the state(Campbell County High School).

6.The first coal mine in Wyoming was in Carbon([化]碳(元素符号C),(一张)复写纸)in 1867.

7.The largest coal mine in the USA is Black Thunder located near Wright.

8.Wyoming leads the country in coal production in 1994with 3million tons per week.

9.The JCPenney stores were started in Kemmerer.

10.The first Dude Ranch in Wyoming was the Eaton Ranch,near Wolf.The Eaton’s also came up with the term “dude”.

11.The Horse on the Wyoming license plate has a name,“Old Steamboat”.It is named after a bronc(北美西部产的野马)that could not be ridden back in the oughts or the teens.

12.Wyoming has the lowest population of all 50United States.

13.Cody Wyoming is named after William “Buffalo Bill”Cody.

14.The majority of Yellowstone Park lies within the boundaries of Wyoming.

15.The Red Desert in south central Wyoming drains neither to the east nor to the west.The continental(大陆的,大陆性的)divide splits and goes around the desert on all sides leaving the basin without normal drainage.

16.The Wind River actually changes its name in the middle of the stream becoming the Big Horn River at a site at the north end of the Wind River Canyon(〈美〉峡谷,溪谷),where each year the Native Americans hold a ceremony(典礼)depicting(描述,描写)the “Wedding of the Waters.”

17.The historic Indians in Wyoming were nomadic(游牧的)tribes known as the Plains Indians.

18.Wyoming is also known as the “Equality State”because of the rights women have traditionally enjoyed here.Wyoming women were the first in the nation to vote,serve on juries and hold public office.

19.Less than three months after the signing of that act,on February 17,1870,the “Mother of Women Suffrage(投票)in Wyoming”—Ester Hobart Morris of South Pass City—became the first woman ever to be appointed a justice of the peace.

20.Great herds of buffalo once grazed on the rolling hills of Wyoming,giving rise to one of the state’s best known citizens,William F.“Buffalo Bill”Cody.

21.The most important of the western military posts was Ft.Laramie in southeastern Wyoming.

22.Talk of statehood for Wyoming began as early as 1869after the organization of Wyoming Territory in that year.The road to statehood,however,did not begin until 1888when the Territorial Assembly sent Congress a petition(请愿)for admission into the Union.Bills were introduced in both houses of Congress,but did not pass.

23.Bills for Wyoming statehood were introduced in both the U.S.Senate and House in December,1889.The House passed the bill March 27,1890.President Benjamin Harrison signed Wyoming’s statehood bill,making Wyoming the 44th state.

24.Wyoming’s State Capitol—a classically designed building of Corinthian(科林斯式)architecture resembling the National Capitol in Washington D.C.-is located in the heart of Cheyenne.

25.The Ninth Territorial Legislative Assembly authorized the construction of the building in 1886,and on May 18,1887,the cornerstone(墙角石,基础)was laid.

26.Oregon Trail Ruts—Located near Guernsey,the “signature ruts”provide a vivid physical reminder of the old Oregon Trail.Here,thousands of wagon wheels and oxen hooves passed during the emigration period of the mid-1800s,gradually grinding the deep ruts into a layer of soft sandstone([地]沙岩).

27.Independence Rock—Fifty miles southwest of Casper,Independence Rock was a well-known landmark(里程碑)on the Oregon Trail.Father Peter DeSmet called it “the great registry(注册,登记)of the desert,”since thousands of westbound emigrants scratched(乱涂)their names on its surfaces.The rock is now home to Wyoming’s Centennial Acre.

28.Ft.Bridger—In the summer of 1842,Mountain Man Jim Bridger announced he was building a trading post,“...in the road of the emigrants on Black’s Fork of Green River.”From its beginnings as a log and mud trading post,Bridger’s “fort”matured into a modern frontier military post.It later evolved into the town of Fort Bridger,the only town in Wyoming with direct roots to the earliest days of the Oregon Trail.

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